Five | I'm sorry

469 16 16

|February 2|

My mom finally broke the silence and said something.

"Honey you're finally here!"

"Mom what's going on?" I knew she was up to something

"I forgot to tell you but you and your friends are having a sleepover"

"On a school night?"

"Well i'd like you all to figure out your problems"

"Uhm isn't it a little weird to have a sleepover with two girls and one boy, no offense Bill"

"Well I hadn't thought of that.." My mom said realizing what she did

"But it's too late now, and I think this is a great chance to work out your issues!"

I could see the "excitement" in Lana's face, Bill actually seemed happy, if my mom was right, who wouldn't be happy if they were spending the night with the girl you like?

Thank god my room was actually clean for once, we all ran upstairs to my room.

I'm not sure how we were gonna sleep, I have a full size bed so I don't think we would have any trouble. What i'm worried about is sleeping with them, in the same bed.

Bill must've been reading my mind.

"I could sleep on the floor" he said, he didn't seem to excited to do so.

"Are you sure? There's plenty of space for all of us" I was kind of looking forward to cuddle with someone, someone, maybe Bill?

"Lana are you okay with that?"

I love how considerate he is.

"I guess" Lana said, she was definitely not okay with it.

It was only 6 pm so we watched a movie.

We all climbed on the bed and got comfortable under the covers, I was in the middle.

As Arthur and the invisibles played on my tv screen I felt someone grab my hand, not just someone, two people.

I looked at Bill first, he smiled at me.

I looked at Lana, she did the same.


What do I do? There's no way, how could two people possibly like me, I haven't even been here for a month. This has to be a dream, someone please wake me up.

My prayers must've been answered since I heard my phone ring.

I quickly let go of both of their hands grabbed my phone and ran out the room.

"Unkown number" same number from last time.

I answered.



The same voice from last time.

before I could say anything again I felt someone touch my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Bill said with concern in his eyes.

"I'm fine thanks for asking"

"Are you sure? You can tell me anything" His smiled melted my heart, who could say no to him with those eyes and that pretty smile.

"Yea I just have been getting these spam calls, it's nothing though"

It was something, deep down I hoped it was my father, deep down I hoped it wasn't. I never met him, but he was a horrible man. After leaving my mom pregnant with me she was kicked out and was forced to find a job of her own, a 12 year old, out in the world, with no help. I could never forgive him for leaving my mom like that.

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