Sixteen | I'll see you again

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|February 17|

|Adriana's POV|

It was crazy how much had happened in just a few days. I was still shocked that me and Bill met again, but just yesterday he gave me a promise ring. But the love story had to come to an end.

Today they were leaving, I was really gonna miss Bill again. But at least now I knew I would see him again, now I knew our love was still alive.

I woke up this morning and saw all my bags packed. Bill had packed everything for me, how sweet is that?

"You're finally awake" A faint voice said.

I rubbed my eyes a few times before looking up to the person talking to me.

"Good morning" I mumbled back still half asleep.

"Hurry and get ready we're gonna meet downstairs for breakfast" Bill said, he was already dressed.

I got up and walked towards the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I decided not to do my makeup and just go for a natural look. Me and Bill went downstairs and saw the others waiting for us at a table.

"You two are finally here" Tom said as he munched on a pancake.

"Hey Adriana can I talk to you?" Valerie said.

"Sure, why not?" I said as Valerie dragged me to a more private space.

"This few days have been lots of fun, but what's gonna happen with you and Bill?" Valerie questioned.

"It's complicated, but I think we're gonna make it work"  I assured her.

We went back to the table and started eating, they had already ordered food for me and Bill.

"So, how are you and Bill gonna work it out?" Georg asked.

"We'll make it work, don't worry" I said.

"I think a few visits won't harm, and you're graduating soon, right?" Bill said.

"Yea, we could move in together after I graduate" I suggested.

"What about me?! You're gonna leave me?" Valerie asked.

"Don't worry I won't forget about you" I said.

We finished up our breakfast and before we could realize it was time for them to leave. Their tour bus was outside waiting to leave. Bill, Georg, Gustav, and Tom packed everything on the bus. It was time to say goodbye.

Before I could even say a word I felt a tear run down my cheek, Bill ran to me and gave me a hug.

"It's okay, at least we'll see each other again" He said as an attempt to comfort me.

I said nothing and just hugged him back in silence.

We all said our goodbyes and I could see tears in Valerie's eyes, but nothing could compare to the amount of tissues I needed. I gave each of them one last hug and Bill a kiss, then it was over. They al got on the bus and it took off. That was it, the fantasy was over.

Valerie and I had all of our stuff with us, we were ready to go back home. Back to reality. As much as we both wanted to stay it was time to go home, our little dream was over. Valerie drove us back and she stayed over at my house, she wasn't ready to go home.

"Oh you two are back!" My mom said excitedly.

"Yup, is it okay if Valerie stays for the night?" I asked.

"Yea of course" My mom would never disagree. She knew the situation Valerie had at home, she was always welcome to our home.

Valerie and I ran upstairs to my room. She set all her stuff in my room and jumped on the bed.

"I can't believe I spent a weekend hanging out with Tokio Hotel!" She screamed.

I had almost forgetting that to her, they were her favorite band. But to me, they were much more. Especially Bill. But I never told her so. That night I went to sleep dreaming about Bill and the next time I would see him.

I eagerly waited for that day ever since then. And it eventually came.

|May 20|

I had been getting ready for my graduation with Valerie for the past hour or so, and I was finally ready. My mom grabbed her keys and me and Valerie were about to walk out the door, then the door bell rang.

"Who is it?" My mom asked.

Valerie opened the door and there he was, standing there in a suit.

"Bill?" I said confused, was he really standing in front of me?

"I did say we would see each other again, didn't I?" He said while handing me flowers.

The end fr 😝

This was lowkey kinda lame but I started working on my other story, I'll be posting the 1st chapter soon 😜😜😜

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