Eleven | Death for justice

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TW: guns and death again sorry pookies

|June 1|

The morning of the court case, I was super nervous, I knew Andres would try to blame it all on me. I knew he would, but I never would've thought he was gonna threaten me.

That morning I woke up and got ready, ready to make my mom proud. I was out in the backyard enjoying the summer breeze when suddenly a man grabbed me and used one of his hands to shut my mouth which kept me from screaming.

"If you try to win that case I will murder you too" A voice said from behind me, his hand still covering my mouth.

He let go of me and before I could even turn around to see who it was he had ran away, but I knew who it was, and I wasn't gonna let him stop me from gaining justice.

I hadn't excepted that, but it wasn't gonna stop me, I would be happy dying knowing he got what he deserve.

I needed to win that case.

We left the house and finally got to the court  room, shaking form nervousness I sat down in my chair.

The case was quite boring, Andres kept trying to use the fact I was found by her body. But the evidence led to him, his fingerprints on the weapon not mine.

"The stab wound in her stomach was at least made 30 minutes before we found her body, and can you explain the bruises and cuts on her cheeks, those were not made the day she died. The first time Daniela saw Ms. Lopéz was when she was found dead, therefore she could not had killed her." My lawyer said confidently.

"You have no proof of that, how could we know Daniela hadn't sneaked into the house before like she did that day?" Andres lawyer argued.

"There's witnesses your honor, Daniela had been staying at the Kaulitz household a few days before the murder happened, she didn't leave the house at any point until that day" My lawyer spoke.

It was like any other court case, I wasn't guilty and I was willing to give my life to win this case.

"Daniela, when exactly did you find your mother dead?" The judge spoke.

"Well your honor, I didn't find her dead. After the police had arrived in the house I ran upstairs looking for my mom, I went inside my room and saw her on the floor. She had a pool of blood around her and there was a knife a few inches away from her and another one pierced through her cheek. I kneeled down next to her and begged her to talk to me, she had promised I would see her again, and we'll she kept that promise. Her last words were 'I kept my promise, didn't I?' that's when she had stopped breathing, as a response I hugged her in hopes she would come back. I would never murder my mother your honor" I said trying to contain my tears.

Andres gave me a death look, I was dead.

"Thank you Daniela, I know that must've been hard to relive. But can you tell when and how exactly did you get in the house?" She needed my full story.

"It was my birthday and I wanted to make sure my mom was doing okay. So I walked to my house and peeked through the window, I didn't see her or Andres so I was going to walk back to the Kaulitz house when suddenly somebody grabbed me and dragged me inside the house. He had pinned me against the wall and he would have raped me if Bill hadn't called the police. That's when I hugged Bill as the police arrived, then I ran upstairs" There was tears running down my face now, it was horrible to think of that again.

"Thank you again, you may take a seat now"

We won the case.

I didn't know wether I should be glad or scared, after all he did say he was gonna kill me too. But how would he? He's in jail now, or so I thought.

A few hours had passed since the court and I was taking a walk by a bridge in an attempt to get my mind off things.

I stopped for a second and sat down on the edge, thinking, just thinking.

That thinking was interrupted in a matter of seconds.

I heard a shotgun and the next thing I remember is falling from the bridge and into the water.

|June 3|

"15 year old Daniela López reported missing after going out for a walk but never coming back home. "

|June 10|

"The search for Daniela López has not stopped, it has been 48 hours since she was reported missing, police claims she must be dead by now."

|June 20|

"Daniela López reported dead, several tourists claim to have witnessed her sitting by the edge of a bridge and later on being shot by Henry Gutierrez, an accomplice of Andres Herrera or the man that murdered Lucia López. They both are now serving time in jail. It is said that Daniela died the same day Andres was found guilty." A reporter spoke from the tv

I couldn't believe it, Daniela? Dead.
There was so much more left for her to live, there was so much more I wanted to live with her. But now she was gone.

I thought the language barrier was already difficult enough, but now we were separated by death.

That language barrier, turned into a life and death barrier.

I thought nothing could keep us apart, and nothing will she has died but I know our love will live.

Ik this was rlly short sorryy 🤕🤕 But before anyone starts crying wait for the next chapter

y'all see that Sacred reference tehee 🤭

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