Eight | Tom and Lana

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|April 26|

It had been 2 months since me and Bill had started dating, since he had asked me to be his girlfriend, since he had bought me those pretty flowers.

Surprisingly Tom and Lana were holding on strong too, they had gotten together the day we saw them at the movies and they were still together now.

Tom and Lana had become like the school's favorite couple, as I like to call it the pda couple, I'm just glad they didn't take anything too far at school.

Me and Bill were more prívate about our relationship, only a few people knew.

Tom and Lana set up a double date for all of us tomorrow night, we were going to the mall.

It was a Saturday night and I was picking out my outfit for tomorrow, I choose my favorite pair of jeans and  a long sleeved black V-neck crop top.

I threw myself on the bed falling asleep at only 7.

|April 27|

The next morning I woke up to Bills hand caressing my cheek.

I was already used to my mom letting Bill in the house.

"Good morning" his eyes were admiring my face and body.

"Good morning" I said still half asleep.

"I'll be downstairs waiting for you" he said with the sweetest voice ever, causing my heart to melt, is there something he can do without stealing my heart?

I took a shower and quickly got ready, I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs excited to see Bill.

He was downstairs waiting for me just like he said he was, my mom grabbed her keys and we all made our way to the car.

I climbed on the backseat next to Bill leaving the passenger seat empty.

We arrived at the mall and my mom parked in an empty parking spot near the entrance.

"Have fun honey, I'll be here at 4"

"Bye mom!" I said as me and Bill got out the car.

"Where's Tom and Lana?" I said still standing in the parking lot with my hands on my hips.

"They said to meet them by the food court" Bill said as he grabbed my hand dragging me inside the mall.

We made our way to the food court and saw Tom and Lana flirting with each other, Tom was playing with Lana's hair as they both talked and looked at each other as if they were gonna kiss.

As we got closer to the table still mesmerized by each others eyes Tom and Lana didn't notice us. Bill cleared his throat as an attempt to get their attention.

"Oh hi" Tom said still playing with Lana's hair.

"You can sit down with us we were just talking" Lana said

Bill and I sat down across from them, Lana and Tom turned back to look at each other as they started flirting again.

It just seemed like we were third wheeling them.

I got tired of seeing them flirt while me and Bill just watched, so I got closer to Bill. I moved my chair closer to his, he took his eyes off Tom and Lana and looked at me. Those sweet eyes staring into mine, his hands making their way to mine as our knees touched.

He was so beautiful it almost felt unreal.

Our hands finally connected together and our eyes still locked, I wanted to do so much more, but we were in public.

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