Nine | Spam calls

372 13 14

TW: some blood and violence

|April 27|

I looked at my phone "Unknown number"



"Who is this?"

"It's me Daniela, your dad"

"How did you get my number?"

"That doesn't matter right now"

"Answer me"

"I'll see you in a few weeks sweetie"

He hanged up before I could say anything.

"Who was that?" Bill said, he could tell something was wrong.

"I don't know he said he was my dad?" I felt my face expression turn from confused, to disgusted.

"It's probably just a prank call" He said, I knew he wasn't too sure but I appreciated his assurance.

But it wasn't just a prank call, I knew it wasn't.

My mom picked us up and we dropped Bill off at his house, we kissed goodbye and my mom started driving to our house.

I decided not to tell my mom about the call, I was too scared to, and perhaps Bill was right maybe it was a prank call.

it was only 4:30 but I was super tired, I jumped on my bed and fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow.

|May 1|

The calls hadn't stopped, it was like every other day, a call from the same number.

He would often say stuff like.

"I'll see you in a few days"

"I can't wait to see you sweetie"

Thinking about the calls made my arm hairs stand up, it was weird to think that my dad that I hadn't seen since I was like what? 3 years old? Was coming to see me in a few days.

I finally got the courage to tell my mom about the "spam" calls, she didn't seem to excited to hear about them. She genuinely looked worried, as if she thought he would hurt me if he really did show up in our front door.

She hugged me tightly and told me he wouldn't actually come all the way to Germany, how would he find us anyway? I wanted to believe my mom, but it was almost impossible to. Something in me was telling me things are gonna turn out badly.

But I ignored that gut feeling, for now.

|May 4|

The calls didn't stop, they only got longer as the date of his arrive started getting closer.

"I'll see you the 14 my princess"

10 more days, 10 more days to plan, 10 more days to see if this was real, 10 more days to have with Bill, 10 more days my mom and I were safe, 10 more days until I finally met my dad again. I knew something was up, I knew once May 14 came things were gonna take a huge turn, a turn like the one my life took when we moved to Germany.

|May 5|

Me and Bill we're going out today, just a casual walk around the neighborhood.

It was really hot outside so I wore some denim shorts and a tank top.

"Are you okay Daniela? I know you're really worried about those calls, but i'm here to protect you"

The look on my face must've gave it away, so lifeless.

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