Seven | Valentine's day

482 17 82

TW: Some sexual content is included in this chapter

|February 14|

(Bill's pov)

It was finally the day, Valentine's day, the day I would ask Daniela to be my girlfriend.

I got ready for school and did my usual makeup, as I was walking out the front door Tom shouted at me.

"Good luck Bill make me proud!"

He was so stupid, but i'm glad he was my brother.

I held onto the necklace and card I had gotten Daniela, I wasn't asking her to be my girlfriend just yet, but it was just a small gift to warm up for this afternoon when I was really gonna ask her.

I rang Ms. Lopéz doorbell and Daniela opened the door, looking gorgeous as always.

She was wearing a beautiful jean mini skirt and a red shirt to compliment her red converse. Her arms covered in bracelets and she was wearing a fingerless glove on one of her hands. She had on a simple silver necklace that I hoped would match with the one I bought her. Her makeup was a little bolder than usual, her lipstick was a darker shade of red and her eyeshadow and eyeliner was bigger. I was hoping to get some of that red lipstick on me tonight.

Daniela invited me in since we still had some time before school would start.

I kissed the hand without a glove and handed her the necklace and the card.

I watched her eyes as she opened the letter and began reading it, her face lit up the more she read.

"Can you put it on for me?" she asked with a grin on her face

I pushed her hair to the side and put the necklace on her neck.

She then started reading the card.

Once she was done reading she hugged me tightly and didn't let go for at least a minute.

"Thank you Bill" she said as those big dark brown eyes started into mine, I wanted to kiss her.

But she beat me to it, looking at my eyes then at my lips as she slowly leaned in to put her mouth on mine.

Her soft lips pressed against mine as I grabbed her hips pulling her closer to my body. Her body was grinding on mine as our kisses got more aggressive and passionate.

We took a few breaths before our lips touched again, I could feel my body heating up and my pants growing as she continued moving her body close to mine and playing around with my belt.

Her lips moved down to my neck, soft kisses turned into sucking and biting, I couldn't help but make a few noises which just seemed to make her want to keep going.

I slid my hands up her shirt touching her smooth skin, my fingers found the bright red thong she was wearing and I began playing with it and teasing her as if I was gonna take it off.

She finally took her lips off my neck after leaving multiple visible hickeys and many lipstick marks on me, I grabbed her ass and we kissed one last time before walking out the door.

"Wait" Daniela said stopping right outside her house.

"What if we skip school? My mom already left for work and she won't be back until 6" She said grinning.

"Are you sure? Wouldn't we get in trouble?" I would hate for Daniela to get in trouble because of me.

"I'm sure" She said grabbing my hand and dragging me back inside the house.

How could I say no to her?

We walked back in the house and she sat down on the couch, she signaled me to sit down next to her.

She put on a rom-com and we both got more comfortable as the movie started playing.

It started off with a few kisses and my hand on her thigh, but that escalated quickly, by the end of the movie her skirt was off, my shirt was on the floor, and Daniela was on top of me ready to take my pants off.

We both ran up the stairs to her room before we could do anything else in the couch.

I sat down on her bed as she was still standing looking down at me.

"What do you wanna do Bill?" The look on her face told me what she wanted.


"I don't think i'm ready Daniela" I didn't wanna disappoint her but I wasn't ready to do so.

"Oh I wasn't talking about that" she said as she got on the floor and kneeled down making her face be close to my pants and belt.

"Oh?" I said now looking down at her as she played with my belt.

I took off my belt giving her consent to keep going.

She threw her shirt on the floor revealing her black lacy bra, she then removed my pants and began passionately kissing my v-line.

She stopped there and climbed on top of me kissing me on the lips as she adjusted herself on my lap.

Before we could do anything else she had fallen asleep resting her head on my shoulder, I leaned back on her bed and fell asleep with her on top of me.

3 hours later I was woken up by Daniela's angelic voice.

"Do you wanna make brownies?" Daniela asked still in her underwear, she was wearing the red shirt she wore this morning but you could tell she had taken her bra off.

"I'd love to"

We both smiled.

Before going downstairs I put my pants and belt back on, Daniela was watching me change, her eyes admiring me.

We made our way to the kitchen and started baking the brownies.

Finally the brownies were ready to be put in the oven, just as Daniela was about to grab the pan I noticed some flour on her cheek, I wiped it off with my thumb. She looked away trying to hide how flustered she was, but she was already blushing before she had time to face the other way.

She was so cute.

We sat down in the chairs by the kitchen counters waiting for the brownies to be ready.

"Bill" Daniela said sheepishly

I turned around to face her giving her all my attention.

"Thank you"

"For wha-" before I could finish my sentence she threw herself into my arms and hugged me for a few minutes.

I decided not to question anything, she seemed to have been enjoying my company.

The brownies were ready and I took them out the oven, we waited a few minutes for them to cool down, Daniela put on a disney movie and we sat down on the couch eating brownies and watching the movie she put on.

We cuddled on the couch as Mulan played on the screen, just as the movie came to an end me and Daniela fell asleep while cuddling.

By the time we woke up again it was around 2 almost 3, I ran home before Daniela could wake up and grabbed the flowers I had bought for her.

Just as I was about to ring the doorbell Daniela opened the door, she looked worried, she must've been looking for me.

Her face lit up as soon as she saw me holding the flowers.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked while covering my face with the flowers.

"Yes" She couldn't say much but I could sense the excitement in her voice.

Before I could hand the flowers to her she was already hugging me. I kissed her forehead as she looked up to me while we hugged, she buried her face on my shoulder again.

I held onto her tightly as she did the same, I loved her, and she was finally my girlfriend.

I didn't make them do anything more than kissing since they're both 14 but once I age them up we'll see 😘😜

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