Four | Jealousy

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|January 23|

Lana was still my only girl friend, I mostly hanged out with Bill and his friends though. I never told Lana I had other friends, the topic never came up, until now.

Me and Lana were at the mall shopping for new clothes.

"Hey what do you think about these?"

"You should totally model them"

We tried on a ton of clothes and basically gave each other fashion shows.

I heard someone call out my name. I turned my head to look where the voice was coming from, and I saw him.


"You look gorgeous in those jeans, you should get them"

Lana looked at me confused

"I didn't know you had other friends"

"Haha yea Bill and my mom really like each other for some reason"

"He's met your mom?"

"Yea it's nothing serious we're just friends"

Bill looked a little disappointed but I didn't think much of it.

"Oh okay" she said as her voice lowered, they both looked disappointed now, which killed the mood.

"So how did you two meet?" Lana said, I could sense the jealousy in her voice, but why?

We decided to spend the rest of the day together, well I did, they didn't seem to excited about it.

It was super awkward, nobody talked, just glanced at each other. I didn't try to say anything, I didn't know what to say, and it didn't help that I barely knew German.

After an hour or so Bill finally broke the silence.

"So Lana, are you interested in anyone?"

"Omg Lana are you? I'd love to hear about this"

"Oh maybe I am but why would I tell you?" she gave Bill a nasty look.

Bill rolled his eyes

Call me stupid but I have no idea what's going on, what is up with them? They're both acting so weird. I can tell they're jealous, but what is there to be jealous about?!

"Oh you know what? I just forgot I was supposed to meet Tom in 30 mins, sorry gotta go!" Bill said as he ran off without even saying goodbye

"Thank god" Lana muttered under her breath.

"Okay what the heck is going on?!"

"Nothing he started it!"

"Fine i'm going home then!" I said before walking away as I called my mom to pick me up.

With tears in my eyes I got into the car trying to ignore my mom.

"Honey what happened?"

"I don't know me and Lana were having such a good time but when I talked to Bill she was acting all weird, they both were"

"Oh honey, is it not obvious? Bill likes you, and Lana probably does too"

"What? If Bill really liked me why would he be jealous of me having girl friends, if anything it should be guy friends. Plus he does not like me! We're just friends"

"I'm not sure honey, but Bill is a smart boy, he probably picked up on the fact that Lana likes you. I think you should talk to both of them"

I took my moms advice and called Lana that night, why would they both like me?

Lana said she was just bitchy since I didn't tell her I had other friends, which seems a little weird to me but I let it go, I don't wanna start anything.

I talked to Bill too, and just like my mom said.

"Well it was obvious she liked you, did you not see how jealous she was when we talked?"

Bill and my mom were probably right, but she speaks spanish and she's helped me so much so I'm sure we can workout something. If it ever happens again, which i'm sure it won't.

The next day at school I tried to hang out with both Bill and Lana, I could feel the tension between them.

|February 2|

I did the same for a week, nothing changed.

"Can you two just break it off? At least act like you don't hate each other around me, or at all!" I was tired of them giving each other nasty looks and faces and try to act all nice when I turn around.

"Okay" they both said in sync.

"Jinx!" Bill said, I could tell he was just trying to get along with Lana.

"Whatever" but Lana was no help.

Her attitude was starting to annoy me, and if she kept being like that idk what I'm gonna do. I mean I don't wanna ghost her or anything, but she's being so bitchy, and for what?

I was in a bad mood when I came home, of course my mom noticed.

"Sweetie is everything okay? Is this about Bill and Lana?"

I nodded

"Oh honey i'm sure they'll come around and start liking each other at some point"

"I sure hope so, I would hate to loose a friend not even the first month we got here"

"Trust me honey you won't, and if you do that just proves how much of an assholes they were"

I smiled, my mom always found a way to bring my mood up, she was the best mom I could ever ask for.

I went upstairs to my room and grabbed a book, a romance book.

I giggled and kicked my feet at the thought of someone like that, someone, maybe a certain someone...

Did I really like Bill? We had only known each other for what? Not even a month, but even if I didn't understand the word coming out his mouth, he still managed to steal my attention and maybe my heart.

But if I did like him, what if he doesn't? What would Lana think? They're not on the best terms right now.

I got lost in my thoughts forgetting about my book and the world around me, my phone started ringing.

"Unknown number" Who could it be?

"Hello who is this?"

"Daniela?" a male voice said in a spanish accent, not just a spanish accent, an El Salvador accent.

"Who is this?"

The man hanged up before answering my question.

It's probably just a spam call or something.

"Honey who were you talking to?" my mom called from downstairs

"Oh it was just a spam call"

"Okay can you come downstairs?"

I ran downstairs and saw Bill, Lana and my mom sitting on the couch, they all started at me as if they were waiting for me to say something.

My mom really needs to stop inviting my friends over without a warning.

Idk if it's too early to start adding conflict but that's okay, we haven't even gotten to the climax 😻

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