Fifteen | Promise ring

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|February 16|

|Bill's POV|

I was still amazed by what Adriana, or Daniela, had told me this morning. No wonder she reminded me so much of Daniela. But I still love her no matter what. Daniela or not, I had fallen in love with her all over again.

Just as the tunnel came to an end, we let go of each other. I knew she was the only women I wanted, I needed to make sure she was mine before we went out separate ways.

"Let's find the others, I don't wanna miss going on a big roller coaster!" Adriana exclaimed before pulling my arm.

She dragged me across the whole amusement park until we finally found the others.

They were by the food stands talking, most likely waiting for us.

"You two are back" Gustav said.

"Finally" Georg mumbled as Valerie hit him with her elbow. "What was that for?!" He said while holding the side of his stomach where Valerie had elbowed him.

"Ignore them let's go on that one" Tom said while pointing at a huge roller coaster.

We followed Tom into the long line that led to the roller coaster.

|A few hours later|

Some time had passed and we were all tired. Georg suggested we went home, but I had one last thing to do before we left.

Just as we got off the last ride we had gone on, I grabbed Adriana's arm. She stopped walking and looked at me, everyone else was now looking at us. I got down on one knee and looked straight into her eyes.

"It's gonna be hard for us to be together, but I want it to happen" I said as I pulled out something from my pocket.

"Bill what are you doing?" Adriana said with a fearful look on her face.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, that's why I'm giving you this" I said as I pulled out a ring and put it on her left ring finger.

"A promise ring?" Her voice was breaking, as if she was about to cry.

"I want you to know my heart has always belonged to you, and always will. I want us to be together, do you think we can make that happen?" I said softly while getting up, still holding her left hand.

"I love you Bill"

And before anything else could be said she pulled me in for a hug, I could feel her tears drying off on my shoulder and everyone else cheering for us. She gave me a kiss before pulling away.

Shortly after we began walking towards the parking lot. We were all extremely tired, and ready to get to the hotel.

When we finally arrived at the hotel everyone went to their rooms.

Me and Adriana went straight to sleep, I could see her holding her left hand as she slept.

I love her so much.

Really short chapter but my lazy ass just wants to finish this story so I can start brainstorming a new one. Also I lowkey have writers block and I struggled so hard just to write this chapter 💀😓😓😓
This chapter really cheesy for no reason too 😓🌚🌚

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