Thirteen | I know who you pretend I am

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|July 1, 2004|

I wanted to go back, I really did, but knowing Andres had accomplices out there coming for me wasn't safe.

I did what I had to, I changed my name and moved in with my auntie that lived in America. She was your typical single rich auntie, she had no problem taking care of me for 3 more years until I graduated high school.

it had been almost a month since I had last seen Bill, I missed him so much, but it was time to let go. I was no longer Daniela, I could never go back to being her. A fresh start is what I needed, and it's what I got.

Adriana Mansilla

|February 15, 2007|

|Bill's POV|

The next morning I woke up with a girl next to me, I looked at her and the only thing I saw was Daniela, but Daniela was gone. I couldn't help and see Daniela's face all over Adriana, what's even crazier is last night I fucked a girl I had just met. I lost my virginity to a stranger, but she didn't feel like a stranger. Her touch was so familiar and the look she gave me brought me nostalgia, her kisses felt like a fever dream and fucking her was like a fantasy that I wanted to relive.

I stared into her eyes and the longer I looked at her the more I saw Daniela, the more I was reminded of her, the more I remembered the memories we shared before she died. I wasn't in love with Adriana, I was in love with Daniela, I was in love with the person she reminded me of.

But I didn't wanna let go, I didn't wanna loose someone again, maybe I can make even greater memories with Adriana. Who knows, I may fall in love with Adriana.

I hadn't seen anyone the way I looked at Daniela until I saw Adriana.

I tried to push the feelings and memories away, Daniela was gone and I needed to move on. I had a beautiful girl sleeping next to me and I was still thinking of the girl I loved 3 years ago.

Adriana woke up and I gave her a kiss before getting out of bed. I picked up my phone trying to figure the time, it was around 7 am, I didn't have anything to do today so I could just hang around the hotel or the city. What was I gonna do with Adriana though? I mean I really liked her, maybe even loved her, but was it really her I loved? That's what I needed to figure out.

I decided to bring her and her friend along with us to the plans we had made for that day, nothing too formal, we had planned just going to the beach then coming back to the hotel to relax.

"Hey me and the guys are going to the beach today, you wanna come along? After all you did spend the night here" I suggested while I sat down next to her on the bed.

"Yea an amazing night" she said while grinning.

"But I don't have any swimsuits and Valerie doesn't either" she added while looking for her phone.

"That's okay, I can get both of you some" I said while holding her hand.

"Valerie, where's Valerie?!" Her eyes widened and she was fully awake now.

"She spent the night in Georg's room" I said giving her a sense of relief.

She grabbed her phone and called her friend.

"Hey Valerie, Bill just invited us to uhmm.. The beach yeah!" She said almost forgetting what she was about to say.

Everyone was finally awake and we took a quick look at a swimsuits store for Valerie and Adriana. They both picked out bikinis, Valerie's was white and Adriana's was black. Although her bikini was basic Adriana looked absolutely stunning and breathtaking in it.

She was beautiful, I wanted to be hers, I wanted her to be mine. I loved her, I loved Adriana. Was it possible to love someone you had just met? Was it love at first sight?

Even if it was love I would never see her again after tomorrow, we were leaving to our next concert in the tour tomorrow.

Even if it was unrealistic, I wanted to see her again, that's why I gave her my number. Even if we couldn't see each other again maybe we could still keep in touch.

She was dazzling, her eyes were so mesmerizing, her smile was so sweet and generous, her touch was so gentle, her hands so soft and warm. I would hate to loose the love of my life again.

I may be too quick to assume stuff, but I couldn't help and picture me and Adriana together forever, I just hoped she really was the love of my life. Something had brought us together, that was the reason she and her friend were here at the beach with us.

"Hey Bill are you gonna get in the water? You've been sitting in the shade looking stupid for 10 minutes now!" Tom yelled from the water.

"Come on Bill let's get in" Adriana said while grabbing my hand and dragging me inside the water.

A few hours later we went back to the hotel and got into bed and watched a movie, I let Adriana use one of my pijamas.

|Adriana's POV|

I was in bed with Bill watching a movie, just like we did 3 years ago in Germany. He looked just as beautiful as he did before, possibly even better. I missed the life I had in Germany I missed everything, my mom, Bill, Lana, everyone. I'm sure Bill missed it too, was that the only reason we hooked up? Because I remind him of Daniela? Even though I was her.

"I know who you pretend I am" I whispered without thinking.

"What?" He heard me, I knew he did, I'm a loud whisperer.

"I know who you pretend I am" I said again, this time with confidence.

He stared at me in silence and his eyes began watering, he buried his face on my chest and hugged me tightly, I hugged him back.

"I'm sorry" Bill mumbled with his head still buried on my chest.

I said nothing.

I felt sorry for him, but was it really appropriate to reveal who I was? After all I had gone through to escape Andres, was it really worth trusting Bill with my secret?

Short chapter mbbb but school is starting in 2 days so I wanted to post smt before school started ☹️

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