Six | Is this love?

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|February 6|

Bill and Lana were finally getting along, and I also got closer with Tom, Gustav, and Georg. I actually learned a few things about Bill from them, according to Tom he wouldn't stop talking about the sleepover and how pretty I looked while sleeping. I tried not to listen to Tom he was always messing around with everyone plus he was a played, him and Georg seemed like the "funny" ones in the group.

But other than getting along with Bill's friends, I also started getting closer to him. We weren't dating yet, but I craved for his touch and company.

I wanted his hands on my hips again.

Is this love?

I tried not to think too much about Bill and his perfect smile, I had a few things to distract me. Such as the calls, I had gotten 2 more since the sleepover, it was the same thing every time.



I finally got tired of the calls and blocked the number, but other than that I had taken some time to learn German with my mom. She was way to nice to discipline me into properly learning German so there was not much progress.

It was Saturday, Bill and I had planned to go to the movies together. Well Bill planned it, I didn't even know what movie we were watching. Tom tried warning me what a first date at the movies meant, but I wasn't too sure to trust Tom.

I was getting ready in my room, I picked out a red tank top and some low waisted bootcut jeans and a few accessories.

While I was questioning wether or not to wear some makeup, nothing too fancy, I heard the door ring.

I ran downstairs excited to see Bill.

As I opened the door Bill was standing there with a big smile on his face. He was holding some flowers, my favorites, he handed them to me and I set them in a flower vase.

"You look beautiful Daniela" His eyes trying to focus on my outfit, hair, and face all at once.

"I usually dress like this, thank you" I said trying not to blush and failing.

"Exactly, you always look beautiful"

It was crazy how with just one sentences he managed to win my heart.

He talked to my mom a little before we left.

He was holding the front door open for me, I walked outside, Bill following behind me.

On our way there we saw a group of guys, I could tell they were eyeing me and Bill.

Bill grabbed my waist and held me close to his body.

His hips touching mine, his chest touching my back, his hands gripped my hips as we got closer to the guys walking by.

After the group of guys walked away his hands were still holding onto me tightly.

He slowly started letting go after a while.

We held hands the rest of the way there.

|We walked inside the theater |

Bill grabbed the movie tickets and snacks while I went to the restroom to make sure I looked good.

I walked out and looked for Bill, unfortunately, I encountered the wrong Kaulitz twin.

To my surprise Lana and Tom were also at the movies tonight, Toms hand was on Lana's waist.

"Tom? Lana? Uhmm what's going on??"

"Have you met my boyfriend?" Lana said sarcastically

"No" I walked away and went looking for Bill again.

If Tom really meant what he said about the meaning of going to the movies on the first date then I knew what Tom and Lana were doing here.

I tried erasing that thought of my mind, and that's when I found Bill, he was waiting for me outside entrance of our movie.

"What took you so long?" He looked genuinely concerned as if something bad had happened to me.

"I saw Tom and Lana here, I think they're dating now"

"I guess Tom is bringing another girl home tonight" Bill said jokingly, he was a player but he hadn't gotten to that stage yet.

The movie was just about to start when me an Bill sat down in our spots.

I still had no idea what we were watching, and I had no intention to find out. I would much rather watch Bill, he was so pretty, his eyes, his hair, his smile, his side profile, everything about him was perfect.

During the movie I glanced at him a few times. Anytime he caught me looking at him he would kiss me on the cheek, how sweet is that?

I could feel my body heating up as he leaned in to kiss me, each kiss on the cheek his lips slowly migrated nearer mine, one more kiss and it would've been on the lips. After kissing me he would smile at me and turn back around to continue watching the movie.

His hand was always either holding mine or on my thigh.

At some point during the movie I turned around just to see Tom and Lana making our, Bill turned to see what I was looking at.

We both giggled and turned around to continue watching the movie.

After the movie has ended me and Bill greeted Tom and Lana outside.

"I bet you two had fun" Bill said teasing Tom.

"I bet you and Daniela had tons of fun too" Tom said winking at Bill.

Bill rolled his eyes and we started walking to a nearby park with some benches.

Tom was so wrong about going to the movies as a first date, he was like that, but Bill wasn't.

We sat down on the benches and started talking about the movie and Tom and Lana, well not exactly talking, I tried saying and understanding as much as I could. I really hoped Bill wasn't annoyed by my lack of fluency in German.

An hour or so went by and it was getting late, Bill walked me home.

Just as I was about to walk inside my house Bill stopped me and hugged me goodbye, his hands were wrapped around waist almost close to touching my ass, my hands on his shoulders and my head resting there too.

|February 7|

(Bills pov)

I couldn't stop thinking about Daniela ever since the day I met her.

Tom wanted to check out the new chick that had moved in right in front of us, i'm glad he convinced me to do so. She was beautiful, and her mom was so nice, ever since then I couldn't get her off my mind. She stole my heart with those dark curls, those dark brown eyes, her pretty smile, and her Spanish accent whenever she spoke the little German she knew.

It was like love at first sight.

I couldn't help but think about her and every kiss I gave her.

She was so beautiful, I was crazy over her. I had to make her my gf.

So I decided to ask Tom for help, I mean he was an expert with the ladies, wasn't he?

"Tom.." Before finishing my sentence I was interrupted by him burping.

"Oh my god I thought you'd never ask"

"Uhm do you eve-"

"Let me guess you need help asking out Daniela?"

How did he..?

"Okay here's what you're gonna do" He said as he pulled out a paper

Was he already planning this?

"So on valentine's day, when you're walking her to school...."

He went on with his plan, it was surprisingly good. I added some twists to it to make it fit me and Daniela.

In a week we'll be together.

If she says yes of course.

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