Three | First of school

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|January 17|

I was super nervous, a new school and I don't even speak the language? But most importantly I was more nervous to see Bill again.

I wore some low waisted jeans and a long sleeved crop top, I ran downstairs just to see Bill sitting in our kitchen again.

"Mom what the heck? Again?"

"Honey it's okay he was just helping me make breakfast"

I sighed and sat down next to him.

"You look beautiful" he whispered to me as he grabbed my hand under the kitchen counter so my mom wouldn't see

"thank you" I whispered back

We all talked during breakfast, mostly my mom and Bill since they were both fluent in German, but that's okay, Bills presence was enough for me.

"Thank you again Ms. Lopéz"

It feels like he's said that 20 times already from the amount of times he's been at my house in a matter of 2 days

we walked out the front door, he held it for me again.

We walked for what seemed like hours, not saying a word to each other but I could feel him glance at me every so often.

|We arrived at school|

"Are you excited?"

I shook my head. As we walked into the school two other guys ran up to Bill and started talking to him, i'm guessing those are his friends.

"This is Daniela" He introduced me to the two boys.

"It's nice to meet you" they both said.

"Bill wouldn't stop talking about you last night" I heard Tom say from behind me.

"nice to meet you too!" I said trying to ignore Tom's comment.

"You've already met Tom but this is Gustav and Georg, this is my band and friends of course"

"It's nice to meet you all"

We all walked to our classes and Bill showed me where I needed to go.

Bill and I shared 4 classes, unfortunately, not my first period so I was alone the first hour of my day, or at least I thought so.

A girl sat down next to me, she had green eyes and brown straight hair, her skin was a white tone, not too white but just enough to enhance the rest of her features.

"Hello! I'm Lana, I've never seen you around here, are you new?"

"My name is Daniela, I just moved from El Salvador to here"

We ended up chatting the whole class, small conversations of course, I couldn't understand much of what she said anyway but I still managed to talk to her.

The bell rang and I made my way to my next class, time passed by fast and before I knew it I was in my last class of the day.

I also shared this class with Lana so I didn't have to be lonely, we talked a lot, and just as class ended she asked me for my number.

I gave it to her, it was good to at least know someone yk? Someone that isn't a guy.

|January 19|

Me and Lana texted non-stop last night, mostly telling her about my life in El Salvador, and she told me lots of things about Germany. I learnt she speaks some Spanish so at least I have someone to rely on at school if I ever needed help.

School was going pretty normal too, nothing very special happened today or yesterday at school.

I did find it a little weird that Bill was trying to get closer to me, closer as in holding my hand more often. At first I didn't think anything of it since I held hands with all my friends in El Salvador, but Tom keeps teasing him about it so I think something's going on.

But thankfully it was the weekend, Bill invited me to a cafe, we passed by it the day he was showing me around town but we didn't go in it.

"Honey are you excited for your date?"

"Mom it's not a date he's just showing me around town remember"

"Sureeee, I see the way you two look at each otheer"

I rolled my eyes in the most respectful way possible so she wouldn't beat my ass.

I ran up stairs and got ready for my "date" as mom likes to call it. Once I was ready I walked downstairs and saw Bill talking with my mom, wow I would've never guessed it.

|We walked in the cafe|

The walk there was a little awkward like it is usually when we walk to school, but he wouldn't stop talking once we entered the cafe.

Bill showed me each thing on the menu and explained which was his favorite and why, I couldn't help but blush, he looked so excited it was cute. And even though I couldn't understand many of the things he said I just smiled, he seemed so excited while talking.

We ordered and he yet again payed for me, he only got sweets, no coffee. Who goes to a cafe and not order coffee?

He was mostly talking about music the whole time, he really loved music, you could tell by the way he talked about it.

I listened carefully to every word that came out his mouth, even if I had no idea what he was saying. His voice was so sweet and calm, I loved listening to him talk.

On the way home we held hands while walking, nothing too romantic, or at least that's how I saw it.

We stopped walking and I looked at him

"What's your bands name?" I asked as an attempt to break the silence

"Devilish" He smiled while saying it

We looked at each other for a few seconds while smiling before we broke eye contact and began walking again.

I couldn't tell what I was feeling, was it platonic? or romantic? It didn't matter anyways, I had only known him for a few days, I had time to figure it out.

Thoughts so far? I still don't know if i'm making the chapters too short so pls lmk 😭 Im also trying to figure out what to do for the first few chapters before getting to the main conflict 😭😭

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