Fourteen | Love tunnel

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|February 16|

I felt bad for not saying anything, but I was afraid of the reaction he might have. After all it had been 3 years, and telling Bill I was alive, that was a lot for him to take in and process.

I decided to keep quiet, for now.

Bill and the others were leaving tomorrow, It didn't seem like the best time to reveal Daniela was alive. We had a few plans today, Gustav wanted to go to an amusement park. We all had agreed the night before to spend our last day together at an amusement park, like Gustav wanted.

I woke up with Bill glued to me, his head still buried in my chest, I wasn't too sure of how he didn't suffocate. I gently moved his head causing him to wake up, his makeup was smeared and his eyes screamed tired.

"Good morning beautiful" He mumbled still half asleep.

"Good morning Bill" I whispered back to him.

The room was illuminated by the open window, it seemed to be around 10am.

I stretched my arms and dragged my feet on the ground. I stumbled with every step, too tired to even care. Bill did the same, we met at the corner of the bed and I wrapped my arms around him.

Bill grabbed a towel and got in the shower, I texted Valerie while I waited for him to finish. Valerie and I talked about the guys for maybe 15 minutes, I decided to pick out an outfit for today since Bill had been in the shower for what seemed like hours.

20 minutes later I already had my outfit planned out, and Bill was finally out the shower.

"Took you long enough" I joked before getting in the shower.

The cold water brushing against my tanned skin, I scrubbed my scalp and body trying to get rid of the old me. Her skin and conscious was still here, I didn't want that, I didn't even wanna tell Bill the truth. My aunt was the only one who knew, she didn't even know the whole truth. How he touched me, it had been 3 years of a new life but I never changed. Neither did the memories, I still remembered everything from that night. My tears being washed off by the cold water running down my cheeks. I brushed away the thoughts and continued scrubbing my skin.

I turned the water off, and stepped out the shower. I grabbed a towel and dried myself off before slipping my underwear on, I snatched my bra off the bathroom counter and clipped it. Carelessly I walked out the bathroom in my underwear to grab my clothes, Bill looked away as he saw me step out the bathroom, as if he hadn't seen me naked. I put the rest of my clothes on and jumped on the bed, my messy dark curls bounced as I landed on the bed.

I could feel tears from in my eyes, I don't know why, but something in me hurt so much. Was it the guilt? I don't know what brought me to do this, but I sat down in the bed and wiped my tears. Bill must've noticed my tears, he sat down next to me in bed.

I leaned closer to him and kissed him on the cheek before breaking the news to him.

"Daniela.. That was her name right?" I muttered trying to start off the conversation.

"What?" I could see the shock in his eyes, it must've been a while since he heard that name.

"The day we met, January 14, you and Tom knocked on my door" I looked away while speaking, I couldn't bear see the face he must've had.

"Who are you? How do you know this?" He questioned, his voice raising as he spoke.

I looked at him, my eyes watering, and so were his.

"It's complicated, I never wanted to leave you" I cried out.

"3 years, and you were alive this whole time?" But my he only ignored my crying, his eyes were drowning in tears, so much he couldn't see how sorry I really was.

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