Chapter 32: Nightmare Of Death(2)

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Heyo! Sorry for not updating for so long. I need to prepare for another exam.

How the f did I fail art history💀-

Nvm, now, enjoy this new chapter that i don't know is long or short for yall.

And I hope you guys could comment anything because it's kinda lonelyTvT
(I'm feeling lonely-🎶).


The heart and soul of every people in the room are fill with anxiousness and worries.
(except some villains alright-)

Some have become too impatient that they're demanding for Adam to come. Woah, they even dare and bold enough to be demanding with Ares, Anubis and Lenora...

The three gods have been stress up by a lot of things, like

-Adam disappearance.
-Krs and Cale is in a serious danger in the future.
-the audience/mortals are demanding for a lot of things.
-Lena and Nela also disappear.

Well, anyway- let's start already.

[Video starting-]


Everyone quickly run to their seats again. Some even choke on their foods when running because they were eating just now.

The families already preparing their hearts for what to come.

But everyone instantly flinch at the sudden loud, painful groan that came from the screen.

Their eyes widen in horror, sorrow, misery and agony-


"Just stop struggling already!"

The subordinates of the hunter earlier are currently trying to get Krs to be cooperative, by torture. Cale could only watch with hold his rage inside, feeling useless because his ancient powers are seal yet again.

Even though Krs was laughing mockingly at them and smirking, his body already tremble in excessive pain. He might even due if he keep this up-

If only- if only he has been obedient and cooperative as they want from the start, he wouldn't have been going through all this tortures. He couldn't see properly because they have been hitting him a lot that his face have become swollen and bruise now.

He was the one who provoke and anger them. And now he have to bare the pain.]

Hyun-Ok already bursting in tears and shouting in rage as she almost through a sword straight to Ws* head while out of rationality.

Fortunately, Ws* just slightly tilt his head to avoid it, but the hilt of the sword end up hitting Dorph*'s head and he faint because of the impact-

The rage of the people are... Unimaginable. You might would've die out of suffocation if you were in the same room as them.

The audience are in the same state as Cale. Feeling so helpless... Useless... Couldn't even more to help Krs in the screen.

Meanwhile, Krs was hiding out of fear of being in the same room as those vicious people. He was fortunately release from the ropes and binds, courtesy of Nela helping.

Even Cale is hiding with Krs. Which make the audience even more devastated in their state.

Some childrens were putted to sleep because of the scene wasn't able to be blur for them anymore. This make the parents feel a bit relief their children won't see such.. Horrifying sight. It might cause trauma for them.

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