Chapter 53: Visiting The Deonarts! (2)

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Ay, the long days off from wattpad is giving me a lot more time to focus on study and piano lesson.

I'm very, very sure that at this point I'm just convincing I'm not tired cause I've been sleeping too. (my body automatically wake up after 4-5 hours. Making me unable to sleep properly)

I felt like my eyes look tired but when I look in the mirror I only see a wide open eyes.

(maybe imagination?)

Why are exams on June?! So early(?)

Nah, actually, still kinda late too. Why am I rambling here again?

Sorry, let's start- >vO👍

The blinding light from the screen had also blinded those in the reaction room.

Even those who are blind also squint their eyes, feeling uncomfortable from the sudden brightness.

(I heard blind people actually just see everything so blurry and not black. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not sure tho.)

The last thing they heard was Adam's voice, shouting at someone.

They thought they would all go blind at this rate since the screen is still blinding them with a very bright light,

Until GoD stepped in and use his power to surrounded them with some darkness.

(idk his powers/abilities except the vow one TvT)

"Hu.. What was that-"



Everyone instantly cover their ears right after they open their eyes.

A loud noise that makes their eardrums feel like they would burst came from the screen right after that blinding light was covered with GoD darkness attribute.

[ "Stop that you little-!"

"Wait hyung-!"

The mortals seem to have a hard time covering their ears from the irritating noise, but Adam and Emerald looks fine.

Even the gods too.

Though the gods looks like they doesn't even care about the noise as their eyes are wide open while staring at the sky above.]

Once they heard Adam's voice again, the chilly noise died down.

Everyone breath out a sigh of relief and finally look at the screen again, wondering what that was.

"Look where the gods are looking at."

As Jack had said, everyone look at the direction the gods in the screen are looking at.

The screen looks like a camera moving and show them where the gods are looking at.

The screen looks like a camera moving and show them where the gods are looking at

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