Chapter 2

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The next day Jane returned at her house, even if she was very scared of her father. When she opened the door she saw 4 beers and some cocaine on the table.
"Where have you been?"
"Hi dad. At John B' s house"
"How many times have I told to do not be late?"
"I'm sorry"
"You're the worst mistake that I could have"
After that her dad started to hit her very hard. She ran in her room and stayed in there all the day. She was bleeding from fhe nose and had bruises on her arms and her chest.
At 11 pm something was hitting the window. It was JJ.
"Jane can I come here?"
"I was waiting for you"
JJ used to come at her house in the night because he knew about her father, so he wanted to be with her as much as possible. Jane worked at a bar and when JJ came at her house she gave him 20 bucks and he gave her a joint every time.
"Is this your father's fault?"
"Yeah but don't worry I'm good"
"I swear god I'm gonna kill him"
"Relax JJ seriously. There are you 20 bucks"
"Thank you Jane, love you. Here it is your joint"
"Oh god thanks"
They spent all the whole night talking, smoking and having fun.

In the next days the hurricane Agatha came so the pogues couldn't meet each other. After that they went boating and found out a boat. They discovered many things about the royal merchant and they also found out some news about John B's father, who was supposed to be dead. Everything was going for the best, until the day of midsummer party, where there was the person that Jane hated the most: Rafe.

Kie had to go to the party, even if she didn't want to so, for don't be alone between the kooks, she invited Jane.
"Honestly Kie I hate this dress. It's so uncomfortable. I'm coming only for you"
"Oh thank you Jane, I really appreciate that. By the way you look gorgeous in that dress, but yeah I have to agree with you...I mean look at my hair. Jesus"
"Yeah you're right ahahah it's terrifying."
When they arrived at the party they were drinking and spending the time together, but at a certain point Kie disappeared with her parents, so Jane was alone. In that moment her worst nightmare showed up.
"Hey what's up Pogue?"
"What do you want Rafe?"
"can you just relax for one second? I just want to talk"
"oh you wanna talk? About what exactly?"
" How are you doing?"
"Great thanks"
Jane was walking away with her fourth glass of whiskey, when the blondie boy tried to take her arm
"don't fucking touch me again Cameron"
"Ok sorry" said the boy taking his hand off "I'm just trying to be nice with you Jesus"
"Oh really? Then why you're not nice with my friends?"
"I don't like them"
"But you like me? you're fucking crazy. How much cocain did you-"
"Don't ever say that again". The boy was holdin so hard the girl's wrist that it was starting to become red.
"Rafe leave me. You're hurting me. Rafe"
"Sorry I didn't mean to"
"I'm just trying to be nice"
"Ok. Do you wanna talk to me?"
"At one condition"
"Promise me you're not going to hurt my friends anymore"
"Oh come one seriously?"
"Promise me"
"Ok fine then"
"Good. See you around kook"
After that the girl disappeared. She did that just to protect her friends, but the plan didn't go for the best. After some hours she saw JJ who was running away from Rafe and his friends and then he was just kicked out of the party. Jane immediately noticed Rafe who was smiling at that scene
"You asshole. You promised me"
She ran away from the party with JJ, Kie, Pope and JB while Rafe was looking at her.

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