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Growing up i've always had the same enemy. Grayson Lopez. Me and my twin Zade HATE Grayson with a strong passion.

If you asked me why I hate him I wouldn't exactly have an answer because I honestly don't know why I actually hate him myself.

Other than the fact that he's annoying, always center of attention with his bad boy act and everyone seems to love him.

Well everyone but my family.

My family strongly despises his family for some unknown reason that me and my siblings don't even know about. We all have questioned it before but never got an answer in return to our questions.

My older brother Blaze was the first to ever have any issues with the Lopez family.

Or so they say...

They never talk about what happened or who did what but apparently it was really bad.

I know my parents say that this whole despise and hatred happened between the two family's when everything happened with Blaze but I think that's a lie.

I feel that there were things that happened in the past and i'm willing to do anything to find out what happened to make such detest between mine and the Lopez  family.

Now going on from my suspicions.

I'm Jade Andrew and a senior in high school.

I have 2 brothers Blaze who's 24 and my twin Zade who's 17.

My parents Lucianna and Rowan are both pretty busy with the businesses they rightfully own.

I'm not sure what type of business they do but it seems to be pretty wild because dad's always on the phone yelling at people for improper deliveries or something along that line.


This is probably a horrible introduction but that's the best I could do:)

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