ELEVEN: Tears And Fear

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Waking up today wasn't easy. After everything that Jade went through yesterday and what she said while I was supposedly sleeping.

Everything she said I heard.

Little does she know that my feelings for her are the exact same. She doesn't even know that I treated all other girls like shit. I used those girls for my pleasure and only pleasure. After I fucked them I kicked them out.

Jades different, nothing like those other girls. In the beginning she didn't even want me. She never begged me for anything like the other girls did. Jade is the complete opposite of any of those other girls.

As I start to get out of bed I had to be careful because Jade was asleep right on top of me. I had to slowly move her off of me without waking her up.

Once i'm finally out of my bed I walk to my closet and toss a shirt on. After I do that I walk out of the room and down stairs for some food.

As i'm down stairs I notice Hazel standing on the counter trying to reach something in the cabinet. I just watch as she has her tongue sticking out on the side of her mouth as she tries so hard to reach for this one box of cereal.

Once she heard me start to snicker at her she looks at me and says, "Gray-bear, can you get that for me?" She asked as I walk over to her and grab the cereal box.

After I set it on the counter she looks at me before she hops into my arms so she can get down.

"Why didn't you just ask for help instead of climbing onto the counter?" I ask.

Hazel puts her hands on her hips and looks at me with sass and says, "Because i'm a big girl and should be able to do it myself. Duh!"

This girl is crazy. She's only six years old and she try's to act like she's thirty. She's growing up way to quickly for me.

As I make her cereal I hear foot pattering and I look up to see a very tired Jade walking over towards me.

The most unexpected thing happened. She walks over to me and just hugs me as I finish making Hazels cereal.

"Here you go kiddo." I say as Hazel takes the bowl out of my hands and runs off with it.

As I look down at the hermosa chica that is hugging me so tightly as if she never wants to let go.

"Jade?" I question.

She looks up at me and said, "What. Can a girl not hug a boy?" I laugh at her words.

"I wasn't even going to say anything about you hugging me. I was just going to ask if you were going home today?" After I asked my question her whole body stiffened like a board.

I try to watch her body language the whole time right now, "You don't have to go over there if you don't want, it was just a question."

"No, I want to go but not by myself. I can't go by myself." She says as I nod in understanding.

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