TEN: I Need You

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Me and dad are both currently in the same room. He's still mad at me for dating Grayson.

And always will be.

I'm working on this project I have for Social  Studies while dad is just sitting at the table doing some paper work.

I know not to bother him while working but I need some help on this project, "Hey dad, could you help me with this?"

He looks up from his papers to looks at me then back down to his papers as he says rudely, "No. Figure it out yourself. Since you seem to have everything else figured out."

Did I hear that right?

I scrunch my brows together in irritation, "What is your problem?"

Dad slams his fist down on the table and says, "You're my problem. You never obey the rules. You always think you can get away with everything. I'm tired of it!"

Here we go again.

I look over at him in annoyance, "You really think I get away with everything? Dad if I got away with everything I wouldn't even live here."

He stands up angrily and raises his voice, "As if i'd care you left!"

I get out of my chair and start to grab my stuff as father goes to his liquor cabinet.

"Fuck this." I say as I walk past him to the staircase.

"Watch your tone young lady!"

As I walk up the stairs I yell, "Oh screw off asshole!"

Once I get to my room I walk over to my nightstand and grab my phone. I decide to text Grayson because if I don't get out of this house now I know dad will get drunk and i'm tired of making excuses for fathers doing.

Having to wake up in a pitch black closet and having to yell for help until mother finds me.

Waking up on the floor with a welt on my head from being slammed into a wall.

Getting slapped every time we got in an argument while he's drunk.

Having glass objects being thrown at me.

I can't do it anymore I need out of here before anything happens.

My breathing starts to quicken as my hands shake with every letter I type on my phone.


Me: I need you

Gray: I'm on my way


As I wait for him to pick me up I pack a small bag of the necessities i'll need for the night over there.

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