TWO: Act Lovey Dovey

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Waking up today was weird. I turn over to see Jade sleeping peacefully next to me.

I quickly got out of her bed to check the time to notice it's 4 in the morning.

I climbed back out the window that I came in yesterday. I walked over to my motorcycle and drove home.

When I pull into the driveway. I park my motorcycle and walk inside the house to notice father sitting in his usual seat. He looks up from the book he's reading. "You just get home from one of your sluts house?"

I look at him with a blank face, "I actually have a girlfriend. So no I was at my girlfriends house, not some sluts."

My father looks at me with raised brows, "You. Have a girlfriend? Ha ha eso es gracioso."(Ha ha that's funny.)

I roll my eyes and walked into the kitchen to see mom making breakfast. "When did you get home honey?"

I look at her with annoyance, "I got home a few minutes ago."

"What's wrong?" She asked noticing my grumpy mood already so early in the morning as I sigh, "You know always father having to say something."

She nods in understanding, "What did he do?"

"He doesn't believe that I have a girlfriend." I say as she looks at me in surprise, "You have a girlfriend! What's her name? How old is she? Do we know her?" She asks quickly out of excitement.

I scratch the back of my head as I said, "Her names Jade, she's 17 and you guys do know her..."

My mom looks at me in confusion, "I don't know any Jades."

I nod at her in confrontation, "Yes you do. You know the Andrew families daughter."

Her face went from happy to neutral, "Why are you hanging out with the Andrew's daughter?"

"Well she's my girlfriend, so I think that pretty much sums that up for you ma." I say in irritation.

She shakes her head at me in disapproval, "Why would you date the enemy?"

I just shrugged at her question.

"Why wouldn't I date my enemy? The only reason we didn't like each other in the first place is because of you guys and her parents bickering 24/7 when you guys are around eachother." I say not in the mood to hear what she has to say about me and Jade being together.

I walk up stairs to my bedroom decided to text Jade.


Me: I just told my mom about me dating you...

Jade: Just woke up. And oh God how'd that go?

Me: She was happy until she learned that it was you.

Jade: I still haven't told my parents.

Me: Do I need to come over so you can tell them? I would love to see your father and Zades face when they learn that we're 'Dating'.

Jade: No I probably just won't tell them.

Me: Damn, why not? Also what about your older brother?

Jade: He will probably kill you and then me for even dating you...

Me: I'd like to see him try and kill me.

Jade: I was joking, Gray

Me: Quit calling me that.

Jade: Why? You always call me darlin.

Me: Yeah because it's funny to get a reaction out of you.


After we finished texting for the day I look at the entrance of my door to see Hazel standing there with a great big smile on her face. She walks over to me and begs, "Can I please put makeup on you? Pleaseeee!" She begs in desperation.

I shake my head at her, "No, it's to early in the morning Hazelnut and you know not to be in my room. Plus I have school to get ready for. Sorry sis maybe later." She huffs at me and then goes back to her room.

I walk over to my bathroom and decided that a morning shower would help me wake up some more before school.

I undress and hop in the shower really quickly to wash my hair and body before I got out and wrapped a towel around my hips. I look in the mirror at myself and I feel this sickening feeling as I look at myself shirtless.

Why did I have to go through that as a child?

I walk out of the bathroom away from any mirrors so I can get dressed in peace. I grabbed a pair of grey sweats and a black shirt.

After I put those on I went downstairs to eat the breakfast mom made. Which were pancakes and fruit. Before I have to drive to school.

After I was done eating I washed my plate and then left the house to get on my motorcycle.

When I got to the school. A bunch of other kids were just now pulling in. I'm never usually early but I need to talk with Jade before school.

I get off my motorcycle and walked into the entrance of the school.

I ended up walking over to the lockers to see Jade standing there with her friends that I don't even know.

I walk over to her as her friends just look at me in disgust, "Can I talk to Jade privately?" The girls nod and then leave.

"I didn't know you had friends!" I say in shock as she rolls her eyes at me.

I hate when people roll their eyes at me it makes me so angry. But I'll let it slide this time.

"Okay, so at school we need to act like a loving couple..." she looks at me in annoyance, "This is so stupid. Doesn't that mean we have to kiss and be lovey dovey on eachother?" I nod at her question as she groans.

"We will be a lovey dovey couple in front of people but once we are alone we can just I don't know tolerate each other? I'll still be sleeping with other girls... Unless you want to do fake dating with benefits." I say as she looks at me with a straight face.

"The only way i'm doing benefits with you is if you stop sleeping around with other girls while we 'date.'"

I nod in acceptance, "I could work with that..."

The bells rings which means everyone will see us in the hallway together. I grab ahold of her hand as we intertwine our fingers. We walk in front of everyone like that as they all look at us in shock.


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