TWELVE: Just A Feeling

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Grayson brought me to this restaurant type place an hour ago and it was a little sketchy but I didn't ask any questions.

I know shocker.

I felt safe with him so I didn't feel a need to ask any questions on why the hell he decided it would be smart to eat here of ALL places.

As we get ready to leave Grayson pays the bill as I throw my jacket back on.

As we both get up and go outside there were people in the corner that were personally creeping me out because I swear last time I was with Grayson those people were somewhere near us every moment we went to a different place unless it was our houses.

It's kinda creepy.

So as I hop on the back of his motorcycle and he gets on to he revs it a few time before he starts to drive off.

As he drives I let go of him and try to put my hair up that's just flying everywhere so I can fucking see.

He starts to slow down as we make our exit but something feels off right now. I grab on to Grayson tight and ask, "Do you feel off at all or is it just me?"

He grabs a hold of my hand while we are at a stop light and just says, "Something feels off but I can't tell what, if you know what I mean."

I look behind us to see a few cars but nothing sketchy or anything.

And so I lay my head on the back of Gray's shoulder and just take a few deep breathes because at this point I'm just over reacting.



As the sky gets darker me and Grayson are just riding around town and in places not many people know about.

The wind is blowing it's getting more chilly out and Grayson is for some reason in alert.

He keeps telling me not to worry about it but if he's on alert so am I obviously.

As he starts to speed up I have to hold on to him tighter so now I can't even look behind me to see what car or who's behind us at this moment but this doesn't feel right one bit.

This isn't just a car driving behind us if Grayson is speeding like this.

Out of no where Grayson squeezes my leg and says, "You're going to have to sit on my lap."

Am I fucking hallucinating right now?

"What! W-"

I'm so confused right now.

He interrupts me, "No time to explain Jade. Just do as I say. NOW!...put your leg on mine so I can pull you on top of me."

I lay my leg on his lap and he squeezes the shit out of my legs and pulls me on top of him.

That definitely left a bruise.

As I get more settled he speeds up more.

"Do you know how to use a gun?" He asks. As he pays attention to the road in front of him over my shoulder.

"I mean yeah." As my nerves start to really pick up when I see the car basically run into his motorcycle.

"SPEED UP!" I say as calm as I possibly can.

Grayson speeds up as he says, "Grab my gun from the back of my pants."

I reach behind him and take it out of his gun hoister.

And as I have it in my hand he says, "turn the safety off and shoot the car behind us."

My eyes widen, "What! I can't do that."

He makes a sharp turn and while this black car follows us another one follows behind it.

"Damn it Jade, Shoot the damn gun!!" He says angrily.

I start to panic and yell, "I CANT, I CANT do it Grayson. I just can't." As I close my eyes and let the wind run past us.

Grayson wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me completely up against him and says, "I need you to take a deep breath. Stop thinking and shoot the gun."

I start to aim the gun as I shake my thoughts away.

I feel the force of the gun once I shoot but Grayson is still holding onto me with one hand while driving with the other.

"Shoot again, aim for the tire."

I aim at the tire and my body gults a little from the force.

I watch as the car starts to swerve uncontrollably until it runs into the other car behind it and falls into a ditch.

Grayson drives to his house as he try's to calm me down from what I just did out there.

As we get in the gates to his house he drives through he driveway and parks the motorcycle.

My entire body is shaking as Grayson picks me up and carries me up the steps and to his front door which is already open by his mother.

Once we get inside I slap Grayson chest pissed off.

"Put me down," I say while I start to panic even worse.

Grayson looks at me with guilt in his eyes but does what I ask of him.


Authors Note:

I'll publish the next part in a day or two

I normally don't do this but why not make you guys guess what's going to happen next.

Hehehehe 😈

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