THIRTEEN: Standing In The Rain

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Jade slaps my chest hard as she yells, "Put me down Grayson."

She's angry and I get that.

I feel like all of this is my fault at the moment. She wouldn't have been in danger if she would have just stayed home but no of course I had to persuade her to come out and eat with me.

I set her down near the couch so she doesn't end up falling from a lack of oxygen because of how much she's hyperventilating right now.

Ma looks at me with so much worry, "What's going on, What happened? Grayson?"

I turn to my father, "Do we have any new rivals?"

He looks at me curiously especially since I'm speaking of this in-front of Jade, "¿Por qué le preguntas, chico?" (Why do you ask, boy?)

"Glad you asked, maybe because we were just being followed almost got caught if it wasn't for Jade shooting their tire."

My ma's eyes widen in shock as she walks over to Jade and lays a hand on Jades shoulder as she asked, "Are you okay, Tesoro?"

Jade starts to cry as I pace through the hallway with my father.

All of the mafia and gang stuff is simple to figure out but Jade.

She is hard to figure out nor do I know how to help her in this moment.

My father speaks to ma, "She'll be fine, we have bigger things to worry about, Esposa."

My mother stays at Jades side as my father decides to be an asshole.

"Pa I don't know if Jade will be fine. She doesn't know about anything her family does. Not the gang or even the reasoning for having such high classes at the facility's before high school. She's trained but was never brought into the loop with her family."

Jade looks at me with tear filled eyes as she has confusion written all over her face.

I just can't help but feel guilty for letting her into this life when her family obviously didn't want her in it in the first place.

Ryder who was in the kitchen decides to walk over and ask, "So why isn't she okay?"

I show him Jade and he looks at me as if I'm supposed to do something.


I walk over and pull her close to me but she ends up flinching from my touch and says quietly,"This fake relationship is over Grayson I can't keep getting hurt like this over something that's fake."

My hearts stops.

She looks me in the eyes with such hatred and says, "Take me home. Now Grayson."

I stand up off the couch and brush off my pants and put a hand out for her to take but she doesn't even take it she just stands up on her own and walks out of the house with me right behind her.

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