FIVE: Imperfections

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Mature Scene

WARNINGMature Scene

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Waking up today for school was a pain in my ass. Zade still isn't talking to me after the whole 'Graysons my boyfriend thing'.

Zade is the only one who knows so far and now that he's acting like this i'm scared to see how everyone else will act once they know.

Grayson is taking me to school now since me and Zade aren't on talking terms at the moment.

As I go down stairs to get something to eat before I leave for school I run right into dad. He's usually at work by now.

While i'm in the cabinet looking for my favorite cereal dad says, "Jade." I turn around slowly with the cereal box of my choice, "Yeah?"

"I need you to find a plus one to this event tomorrow." He says and I look at him with a lack of enthusiasm, "Okay, I will."

Well shit.

Seems like my parents will be meeting my so called boyfriend sooner than later...

As I make my bowl of cereal I finish the most awkward conversation with dad on how he wants me to pick someone who is a little intimidating, strong and kind of serious.

Huh sounds a lot like Grayson.

After I finished my cereal I walked out of the house and walked past a few houses to get to Graysons car since dad was home.

I hop in his car and lay my head against the window as he drives us to school. While he drives we listened to The Neighborhood.

Once we pull up to the school he parks in a parking spot and then starts to get out but I quickly said, "Wait." And so he closes the door and looks at me in curiosity.

"Can you be my plus one to this weird business event tomorrow?" I ask as he sits there and looks at me in shock, "Wait you go to the event tomorrow too?"

I look at him confused, "Wait you knew about the event?" He nods at me, "Well yeah my parents have to go."

My mouth drops open in surprise.

His parents do the same thing my parents do?

As we both get out of the car he grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him so he can wrap his arm around my shoulder.

I don't understand why people still like to stare at us while we walk in. We've been together for a little while now.

Once we walk to my locker I grab the stuff I will need for my classes as he walks me to my first period. As we walk down there he says, "I will be kissing you today so be ready." I nod at him.

When I get to my class I walk to my seat. Once I sat down Grayson grabbed my chin and lifted it up so i'm looking at him as he bends down and kisses my lips. We didn't stop kissing until the tardy bell rang.

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