THREE: She Is My Girlfriend

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Me and Grayson have been together for a few days now. It's feeling weird trying to act like we are dating when we actually aren't.

All of the physical touching and the so called intimacy is usually awkward.

Well for me atleast...

I'm not used to this amount of affection so early in a relationship.

Grayson suggested that I start to ride with him to and from school to make our so called relationship even more realistic to the eye of the other people.

When we got to school he helped me take my helmet off. I had helmet head so he helped me fix my hair. I still feel completely awkward in this situation but it's okay.

There's a part of me that likes that we actually get along.

We walk into school together as people still look at us in shock everyday since i'm in a relationship with the 'bad boy' of the school and he's in a relationship with a complete loner.

Well and also because everyone knows about the rivalry between the Lopez and Andrew family.

Zade hasn't been at school or home in a few days so I haven't had to explain anything to him yet.

Me and Grayson both walk to my locker so I can get the stuff I need for my first class. I put the code in and then grabbed the stuff I need as he just leans part of his body against the locker next to mine waiting for me to be finished.

Once i'm done I just stand there looking up at him with a smile on my face as he keeps looking at my lips. I try to act like the look he is giving me isn't affecting me but it is.

I want to kiss him.

But I shouldn't want to.

The way he looks at me is like he has deep desires to do something with me. I try to control my thoughts as he makes eye contact with me and then looks back at my lips.

He starts to lean down closer to me as he looks at my lips but then he grabbed my jaw and turns my face to the side so he can kiss my cheek.

The suspense was killing me by the way he was looking at me. I've never felt that feeling before. I was actually anxious thinking that he was going to kiss me.

As he stays down to my level he whispers in my ear, "Have you ever been kissed before?"

My eyes widen as I freeze for a second before I slowly shake my head and that's when he stands to his full height and says, "Well then i'll be your first kiss later on today."

Later today?

"What do you mean by later today?" I asked in curiosity.

"You're coming to my house after school today." He says as my eyes widen and my cheeks redden in shock.

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