SEVEN: What The Hell

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Everything's been a little hectic since the event. My dad won't leave me alone because of the fact i'm with a Lopez. I'm apparently a disappointment for dating the enemy, Dads words not mine.

Like what's the big deal?

Zade is finally starting to speak to me again after distancing himself and not talking to me for about 2 months for dating Grayson.

I feel like 'dating' him has gave me more negative results than positive when it comes to my family.

Grayson has been blowing my phone up with messages because I haven't been answering him.

I just want to be left alone. It's 10pm at night and i'm just trying to have some peace alone.

I'm just sitting on the couch watching tv while mom, dad and Blaze are at work and while Zade's at a friends house.

I got up off of the couch and walked into the kitchen to make some popcorn. While that's in the microwave I tried to act like a ballerina in the kitchen.

I didn't do very good.

Once the microwave went off I grabbed a bowl and poured the popcorn in there. I walk back to the couch and wrapped my blanket around me so I could get nice and comfy.

Once I thought nothing could bother me the door bell rings. I get up off the couch and walked over to the door to see someone standing out there in the dark.

I open the door to see Grayson with blood all over him.

What the hell.

"What the hell happened to you?" I ask in a bit of worry. He try's to laugh but then groans as he says, "I got in a fight, sweetheart."

I look at him in annoyance, "Stop calling me that. Why is there so much blood?"

He smirks, "Don't worry it's not mine." My lips slightly part as I say, "And that's supposed to reassure me how?"

He thinks for a second, "I don't know... Can you invite me in or what?" I step out of the way as he just walks in and up the stairs.

I close the front door, "Where do you think your going?" I ask as he goes upstairs, "To your room obviously." I sigh as I start to walk up the stairs.

Once I got to my room I didn't see him until I walked into my bathroom to see him taking off his shirt.

This is the first time i'm actually able to see his scars on his back. He sits on the bathroom counter.

A gasp leaves my mouth once I notice the massive black and purple bruise on his ribs. I rush over to him and gently lay my hand on his ribs but once I do he hissed as he quickly grabs my wrist and says softly, "Don't do that to me."

My brows pinch together as I ask, "Why?"

"Because it-" He begins to speak, "-never mind. Just don't touch me like that. Okay?"

I grabbed a wet rag as I rolled my eyes at him. As I start to wipe the blood off of him he grabs me by the throat and said, "We might be fake dating but that doesn't mean I won't punish you, darlin."

I look up at him as his hold tightens on my throat as he says, "Am I understood?" and as he waits for my answer he holds on even tighter to my throat which makes my air way cut off. I start to struggle breathing and that's when I gave in and nodded at him.

He loosens his hold on my neck and then pulls me in between his legs so he could pull me into a kiss. I can't help but moan into the kiss as it becomes a stronger rhythm. He lets go of my neck and starts to run his hands down my body until he gets to my ass.

He grips onto my ass as I smile into the kiss.

What the hell I thought I was mad at him.

I slowly ran my hands up his side as he shivers from my touch on his bare skin. I try to pull away but Grayson wouldn't let me.

He wanted something and it seemed he was getting it. As he pulls away he ends up laying his forehead on mine as we both breathe heavily. I look into his blue eyes as he looks into my brown ones.

He brings his hand up to my face and moves a few strands behind my ear. I try to get away from him because I shouldn't be feeling this way.

The butterflies

The urge to smile

To kiss his lips again

Wanting to be in his arms

I shouldn't be feeling this way. It's a fake relationship nothing else.

He probably doesn't even like me that way.

He pulls me into a hug before he lets me go.

I walk out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. After he was done in the restroom I tossed one of the shirts he let me wear at one point at him. He puts it on and then we both walk downstairs.

He gets on the couch as I lay with him. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him as I start the show I was watching earlier.

Grayson lays his head in between my head and shoulder as he starts to gently kiss my neck. I start to take deep breaths so I don't do anything embarrassing.

"I love making you feel this way." He whispers along my neck as I say, "Feel what way?" He smiles against my neck and says, "Turned on by me."

I shake my head thinking he's delusional.

But he's really not.

I am feeling all of this because of him.

I decide to turn around so I can look at him as he just kisses my lips repeatedly. This feeling I feel is overwhelming.

The way his lips feel on mine.

The way he looks at me.

How he touches me.

The way he smiles

Why do I feel this way?

This was not part of the plan.

I lay my head on his chest as I gently lay my hand on his ribs again and he lets me.


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