NINE: What If

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I woke up to a knock at Graysons bedroom door. Since Grayson is still asleep I got up and walked over to the door to see Hazel crying with a blanket wrapped around her like a burrito.

"Can I sleep in here?" She asked while sniffling. I walk over to Grayson and shake him awake.

His eyes shot open rapidly quick as he says, "What." I look at him wide eyed.

Damn did I scare him that bad?

He sits up and looks over to the door to see Hazel just standing there. He looks at me and said, "Go back to bed i'll deal with Hazel." As he gets up and walks over to the door he picks Hazel up and closes the door.


As I wake up again I notice it's still midnight but Graysons not next to me. I slowly get out of bed and walk over to the bathroom.

Once I was done I walked out of the room and quietly walked down the hall to see Hazels bedroom door slightly cracked open.

I walk to her room to see Grayson laying in her twin size bed with her as she snuggles up next to him while he reads to her.

He is so loving when it comes to his sister.

I just stand at the door as he reads to Hazel.

How cute.

He seems to be an amazing big brother.

Once he looks up from the book and notices me at the door. He continues reading the book until it is finally over.

He slowly gets out of her bed trying not to wake her. When he did get off the bed he walks over to me and whispered, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

I look at him and said, "I was asleep but then I woke up and noticed you still weren't there." He looks at me and then stays quiet as we walk back into his room.

Grayson gets in bed as I start to get in as well. Once i'm finally in me and Grayson are both just looking at each other.

I scoot closer to him as he lets me. Once we were close enough I grabbed the hem of his shirt and started to lift it. Grayson grabbed my hand and removed it from his shirt.

He sits up and just takes off his shirt like it was nothing. He didn't even hesitate to take it off like he has every other time he took his shirt off in front of me.

After Grayson throws his shirt on the floor I couldn't help but get on top of Grayson once he layed back down.

As I straddle him he grabs ahold of my hips. I go straight to his neck and start to kiss and suck along his neck. He doesn't stop me.

I start to slowly roll my hips against him. He starts to quietly groan as I kiss his neck and grind against him.

His grip on my waist become tighter as he says with his raspy voice, "Jade we need to stop."

I pull away from his neck and just sit there straddling him as he continues to speak, "We can't do this."

I look into his eyes and asked, "Why not?"

He sighs and said, "I'll go to far and I don't want to hurt you. You deserve to do this stuff with someone you actually love."

But he's the only one that makes me feel this way.

"What if I want to do it with you though." I ask in curiosity. "It's not going to happen. I will not treat you like I did every other girl."

I look at him, "Then don't treat me like everyone else. Treat me differently, you can do that."

He shakes his head at me in denial, "Jade I just can't do this with you."

What's so wrong with wanting him to be my first? He's more experienced than me. Why not just take my virginity!

I sigh and get off of him. I lay back down in bed as he pulls me close to him. Once we are right against each other and I can feel his erection he whispers in my ear, "Do you feel that? You do that to me. Don't get me wrong I would love to sleep with you but I can't be the one who makes you lose your virginity. I won't ruin something special for you."

I roll my eyes and turn around, "What's so important about losing your virginity?" He responds quickly, "Once you have sex you will feel differently in more than one way. I'm not sure how to explain it because you might not feel different but everyone else will see a difference."

"Is that all?" I ask annoyed because all I want is him. I trust him with my body. I trust him with my life. Even if we aren't really together I trust him.

He just stays quiet as he runs his fingers along my leg mindlessly. I want more than to just feel his fingers roam my skin.

I open my legs slightly to see if he will take my offer. Which he does, he runs his fingers right around my covered cunt.

I take deep breathes trying to calm myself from the stimulation he's causing.

He slowly runs his fingers along my stomach until he got to my pants. He starts to slowly mess with them before his hand actually slid into my underwear.

He ran his fingers along my entrance as I just keep eye contact with him and breathe heavily.

He did all of this while looking at me. I try not to react to his touch but it's so hard when it enlightens something in me with just the slightest touch of his.

As I feel him put a finger in me slowly I moan from the pain and the pleasure. His finger moves in a come here motion as I can't help but moan. It felt so good until he plunged another finger in.

I groan loudly because it hurt so bad I couldn't even take it, "It hurts." He pulls his fingers out of me and then said, " I told you that you weren't ready."

I move away from him after that whole getting fingered situation.

We both just ended up going to bed without another word.

Why do I feel like crying?


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