FOUR: Fuck Off

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I've been craving Jades lips for about a week now. I told her she could kiss me whenever and she didn't even take advantage of that.

Like what's wrong with her. I would of taken as much advantage as I could.

I'm about to just drive up to her house and claim what's mine.

As I drive down there i'm debating on if I want to climb through her bedroom window or if I want to go to the front door and knock.

I chose the more exciting choice.

I walk up to the front porch and knocked on the door. As I wait for someone to answer I think to myself.

Who's going to answer the door?

How is this going to go down?

The front door opens and I notice that it's Zade, "What are you doing at my house Grayson?" I grin and said, "I'm here to pick up Jade."

Zade looks at me skeptically, "Why would you be here to pick up my sister?" I look at him and acted surprised as I said, "Oh, she hasn't told you yet?"

"Told me what?" He asked confused as I said, "That we're dating."

He looks at me in disbelief and then slams the door in my face and yelled, "JADE! Get your ass down here!" I smirk knowing this'll be fun.

As I still stand on the front porch I can hear them arguing and as the argument ends Zade opens the front door and pushes Jade out while saying, "Have fun with your fucking boyfriend."

I look at him to notice that he is livid and then I looked at her to actually see her in tears.

Well I wasn't expecting that to make her cry.

I made eye contact with her and asked, "What's wrong?" She looks at me with such hostility as she just walks to my car and gets in.

I walk over to the drivers side and hop in.

Well now this is just awkward.

I start the car and drove away from her house. Once we got to a private area I parked my car in a parking spot and looked at Jade while she is just furious.

Once she looks at me she says, "What are you looking at?" I raise my brows at her and said, "You."

She rolls her eyes and just stays quiet as I sit here wondering what the heck to do.

I'm not used to women or emotions.

I clear my throat and said, "Why haven't you answered my text or even my calls?" She turns to me with tears in her eyes and said, "Why are you so obsessed with me?"

I look at her in confusion as she continues, "You always want me to answer your stupid  text and calls. You want me over at your house all the time. You give me permission to kiss you when ever. Why? It sounds like an obsession to me..."

I look at her dazed.

Wow, wasn't expecting that to come out of her mouth.

I try to collect my thoughts before I said, "The Fuck. Jade did you forget that WE are in a fake relationship." She nods as she furrows her brows, "Yes, exactly! FAKE. Do I need to spell it out for you Grayson?"

I look at her in annoyance, "No, I don't need you to fucking spell it out for me. I'm not stupid."

She laughs and says, "Well it seems like you are." I roll my eyes as I start to get angry myself, "Okay, Jade enough with your smart ass remarks."

She looks at me, tilts her head and pouts, "Aww, what you can't handle a few little rude comments. That's to ba-" I pull her into a kiss to shut her the hell up.

She pulls away and looks at me in shock, "What was that for?" I look at her and said, "It was to get you to shut the fuck up."

She scoffs at me then crosses her arms and stays quiet as I drive us to my house. I can tell she still wants to go off at me but something seems to be holding her back.

Once I park in the drive way she hops out of my car and as we walk inside my house I wrap my arm around her waist but she just speeds up her walk to get out of my hold and goes upstairs as my brother just looks at me in question.

I look at him with an annoyed look and he just stays quiet. I walk upstairs to see Jade in my bathroom just looking in the mirror.

I walk over to her and said, "Are you done with your temper tantrum?" She looks at me through the mirror and says, "Fuck off, Grayson." I smirk at her as I said, "You'd pay to see that, wouldn't you?"

She turns her head to me and then walks out of the bathroom shaking her head at me as I just laugh.

Oh come on that was funny.

I walk over and sit on the bed next to Jade. I look at her and notice she's still in a sour mood, "What do you want me to do?" I ask as she looks at me with a questioning look.

"Jade, i'm asking if you need to rant or if you need a hug or something." I say to her as she looks at me trying to see if i'm joking or something.

Once she notices that i'm not she quietly says, "Can I have a hug?" I stand up and said, "Come here," she gets up and wraps her arms around my neck as I wrap my arms around her waist.

Her body starts to slightly shake and I noticed that she was crying again. I rub my hand along her back as she starts to whimper softly.

I pick her up as she starts to wrap her legs around my torso. I just hold her as she lays her head on my shoulder and cries.

Why do I want to comfort her?

I just hold her tight as she just keeps crying. I'm not exactly sure how to feel about my emotions but this just feels right.

I feel needed.

It's weird.

I sit down on my bed as she still just holds onto me. I rub her back and try to comfort her the best of my abilities until she stops crying.

As she just sniffles she starts to move a little bit not even noticing she's rubbing against me, "Jade quit moving real quick." She looks at me and asked, "Why?"

I bluntly say, "Because you're rubbing against my dick." She freezes in her spot as I try to quickly adjust myself. Then she moves so she can just straddle me and once she does she looks at me and says, "Thank you."

I give her a closed smile and said, "Anytime." She gently grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss that was more than just a kiss. There was some type of emotion expressed in that kiss.

Once we pull away she pulls me back into a hug.


Seems he noticed he fucked up.

But look how it turned out in the end how cute!!


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