SIX: Plus One

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Todays the day of the business event. Today is also the day me and Jade both get announced to everyone.

Me and her both decided to wear white and black. I'm wearing a black suit with a white button up under it and then Jade will be wearing a white long dress with a mid thigh slit.

I leave the house before father can pester me with his nonsense. I drove my red Ferrari LaFerrari to Jades house to pick her up. I stand outside of the passenger side of my car as I wait for her to walk over here so I can open the passenger side door for her.

Once she does walk up here I open the door for her and she gets in. After she is all the way in I shut the door and hop in on the drivers side to start the car.

While we drive to the event I didn't talk much. I'm still thinking about how I let her see my scars yesterday.

I just think it's crazy.

I trusted the one girl I've hated my whole life to see my scars.

Why would I do that?

As we pull up to our destination I get out of my car and hand my keys to one of the parking assistants so they can park it.

They better not scratch up my damn car.

We both walk along this long rug so we can enter this massive event venue. As the line shortens we were next to enter.

The commenter saw us and spoke in the microphone in a questionable tone, "Next is Grayson Lopez and Jade Andrew?"

We both walk in as everyone looks at us in shock. Jades parents walk over to us quickly and her father grips onto her arm as he says, "What's this nonsense I hear about you dating the Lopez's boy?"

Jade looks at him and says, "It's true."

Her father laughs and says, "The hell it is. I will not be allowing this!"

Jade crosses her arms as she says with an attitude, "I never asked if you were allowing this or not. I'm with Grayson and I don't really give a fuck what you think... Dad."

I watch as Jade swallows as if she is scared.

What does she need to be scared about?

They won't start something in front of everyone.

Her mother seems stunned by her words as she says, "Jade, we all have bad blood against his family. It'll never last."

My parents end up walking over to us as well.

Oh well here we go.

"What the hell is your son doing to my daughter!" Mr. Andrew asked my father
says, "Probably fucking her."

I look at him wide eyed.

We haven't even gotten that far.

Her mom ends up saying, "Your son will not put nonsense into my daughters brain and corrupt her into doing his deeds."

My father says, "What type of nonsense is he going to put in her brain. The truth?"

What truth?

Her father looks to me with such hatred and steps towards me as I stand still and confidently, "Come near my daughter again and it won't be pretty." I laugh, "What are you going to do. Huh? Kill me?"

My father even laughs at that, he can't do anything to me or my family.

It'll cause war and that's not what he wants.

We aren't alliances.

Jade is looking around completely confused as if she doesn't know what any of this stuff is even about.

So she doesn't know about the gangs or the mafia?

I look at Jade as she walks over to me, "Dad, he's my boyfriend if you don't like that then so be it but don't you ever threaten him."

Her father finally backs away and storms off somewhere with Mrs. Andrew.

Jade looks at me and asked, "What exactly was that all about?" I shrug, "I'm not sure, it's not just my brother your parents hate. It's my whole family and vis versa."

She looks up at me as I whispered to her, "We have to make this so called relationship look real while our parents are watching..." she slowly nods.

I wrap my arm around her waist as she makes eye contact with me and says, "Kiss me." I gently grab ahold of her chin and kiss her, she smiles while I pull away from the kiss.

Her lips are so soft.

She looks up at me before she pulls me into a hug and while she does I feel my gun being pressed into my back, "Do you have a gun?" She asked quietly as I nod, "Yeah, for safety reasons."

More like because we are surrounded by gang members from different Mafia's.

Once she lets go of me we walk over to my table with the rest of my family. As we sit down my family starts talking about the whole situation between the Andrew's and them.

"That bitch had the audacity to say my son was trying to corrupt her daughter! ¿Quién dice eso? My boys know better than to do anything of the sort." My mother says pissed off. (Who says that?)

My brother Ryder says, "They've always had something against us even when I was friends with their oldest boy, Blaze."

I know this goes farther than my brother and Blaze but how far back did all of this start?

Jades brows lift in shock hearing all of the stuff being said about her family.


Any thoughts?

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