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Oh my gods, I'm here. I never thought I'd be writing my own story, but here I am! Here's everything you'll need to know about this story before you start.

This story is about a young girl, aged 15 years named Lara Jones, the daughter of Killian Jones and her mother who died.

Lara has blonde/blond hair and blue eyes. she is a calm pirate, yet she doesn't enjoy being told what to do.

If you have any questions on the book please don't be afraid to ask!

I'll post 5 today to get the book started then follow the once a week plan!<3

I'm only 13, so please don't expect any author-worthy writing! XD

Author Notes (A/N) will be in bold as shown.

Memories/flashbacks/time skips/thoughts will be in italic as shown.

Get your popcorn out for this rollercoaster, The Lost Pirate.

I'm sorry the first few chapters are so short, but it gets better I promise!

Also this story has mentions from Once Upon A Time (I might make a book 2 Involving season three of the show) but I don't own the tv show.

(137 words)

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