Chapter Fourteen - No.

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My father walked out.

I looked at him wide-eyed and he did the same

He slowly nodded, "You came looking for me.?" I added,

"Lara of-" I didn't let him continue,
"Why? You never showed an interest in me since uncle Liam died! It's like I never even existed. I didn't want you to come looking for me." I hissed out, my once shocked face turning to one of hatred.

~Peter POV~

Me, Liam, Ace and Felix watched from afar, all with smirks on our faces as we watched our new lost girl stand up for herself, finally.

"You killed children, dad! You can't expect me to forgive you!?" She was getting more infuriated every time he tried to say how dangerous we are.

"Lara, Pan and his boys are dangerous, I had to!"

"YOU'RE DANGEROUS!" His face dropped as his 'precious little girl' spat facts at him.

"You don't mean that?" His face held a look of sorrow and guilt, probably from slaughtering my boys.

"I do. I hate you. I never want to see you again. Leave me alone." She pushed past him and continued along the trail she'd been previously following, Killian fell to his knees, crying like a baby.

We followed Lara,

"We can deal with him later" I muttered to the boys under my breath.

She got back to camp, tears in her eyes. She quickly wiped them as she saw us approaching her.

"Have fun at the lake?" She spoke as if nothing had happened 5 minutes prior, something I admired about her, the way she could hide her emotions. But it wouldn't work because we knew what'd happened.

"We didn't really do much after you left, so we headed back a longer way, more scenic." I hid the way I knew what happened, she surprisingly seemed convinced.

"You have to take me that way one day." She softly smiled, I guess her emotions were all over the place considering she never smiled at me.

"Sure." I dismissed the boys, realising why they were actually still there.

"Any problems on your way back here?" I looked down at her.

She raised an eyebrow, suspicion.
"A minor one. I.. took care of it? I think?" She seemed uncertain, almost like she knew her father wouldn't accept her wish of being left alone.

"Anything I need to do?" She shook her head almost immediately at my question.

I nodded before going to find Felix again.

~Lara POV~

I watched as Peter walked off, he knows something. I walked over to Liam, he was confusingly sitting alone.

He smiled when he saw me approaching him.
"Hey, need anything?" He spoke with the same tone Peter had when he asked, he knows something too.

I couldn't think of a lie to tell so I asked the real question I had,
"What does Peter know? Did he follow me or something?"

Liam raised his eyebrows, surprised I actually asked. "He went the same way we did." Oh he definitely knows something. Does that mean Felix and Ace do too? 4 people I can't trust right now. Great. Wait. Does that mean they all followed me??

I nodded before turning around, going over to the main group I was always with.

~Liam POV~

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