Chapter Eight - Worthy

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I woke up to birds singing somewhere near the treehouse, I slowly sat up so as to not get a head rush. I stretched and looked around Peter's room,
There were books scattered on shelves, a small desk cramped into a corner with different papers and what looked like pencils. A wooden chair accompanied it.

He also had a dresser directly opposite the bed, more books placed on it. He must love reading.
I spotted a carpet on the floor that resembled a wolf "Disgusting.." I muttered quietly. There was a harsh knock on the door,

"Lara? Are you awake yet? You've slept half the day away!" Peter half-shouted from the other side of the door. I looked out the window and it was sunrise, dramatic much I laughed quietly at my own thoughts before walking over to the door and swinging it open.

Peter looked down at me and smirked at me in his clothes, I looked down with a slight blush on my cheeks. Ew, no. He's way older than me, that's disgusting. Get a grip Lara. I hissed at myself as he chuckled softly.

"Don't worry, Lara. I'm not a pervert." He was still smirking as I rolled my eyes, "Yeah sure." I replied sassily and he laughed. "Come out for breakfast when you've done whatever it is you're doing." He closed the door before walking away.

I walked back over to his bed and sat on it,  before laying down and spreading my arms on the length of Peter's bed. I let out a sigh and a few moments later there was a loud, consistent knock on the door.

"IT'S OPEN Y'KNOW!" I shouted and the knocking stopped, I heard the door knob twist and the door opened slowly, squeaking quietly.
"How long does it- are you serious? You're going back to sleep!?" Peter half shouted as I groaned and rolled over, "Peter it's sunrise, let a girl sleep." Peter chuckled at my sleepy voice, even though I hadn't even slept.
"No. Get up, the boys are waiting to eat." He said sternly. I huffed and sat up too fast, the world went fuzzy and I held my head and groaned.

"What?" Peter smirked as he saw my state, "Nothing." I snapped back before standing up and walking out the room. I stopped when I realised I have no idea where I'm even going. Peter appeared behind me making me jump, he chuckled softly. "Scared, love?" He whispered into my ear. I cringed and moved forward. "Of you? You wish." I replied with an attitude, he rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist, leading me out of his treehouse and to where the boys were situated at a large table full of various breakfast foods.

I fought back the urge to dive head first at the table. Peter led me to a seat and I sat down, he sat next to me. "Dig in boys, and girl." Peter spoke and everyone, except me, rushed to grab food. I sat there awkwardly and looked at my fingernails, picking at them under the table.

"You're telling me you aren't hungry? You have to be!" Peter looked at me, speaking with his mouth full which made me cringe harder than I did earlier. "Nope, not hungry." I replied, my stomach made a groaning noise. You just had to. I scolded my own stomach and Peter handed me a plate with pancakes, maple syrup and strawberries on them. I looked at the pancakes and without hesitation dug in. Peter smirked at me but I didn't even realise, these pancakes tasted so good.
I finished the pancakes and put the plate on the table. I wiped the syrup off from around my mouth with my- well Peter's top sleeve. I looked over at him and he was still staring at me.

"Do you mind? You're really creepy when you stare." I spoke and the boys at the table started laughing, making my cheeks go a lovely shade of pink. Forgot they were here.
"Clearly, love." Peter said, once again hearing my thoughts. "Stop reading my mind. That's creepy too!" I half- shouted, annoyed at this mind-reading situation.
The boys laughed yet again, making me get more frustrated, the frustration visible on my face. "Okay, okay. Missy. Let's go cool off" Peter chuckled at my pissed-off state.

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