Chapter Nineteen - Twenty Whole Years Later!?

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(Get tissues ready-Mars)

Me and Peter are closer than ever, like siblings, so are me and Oliver, a little lost boy who's seven, the one I met on the beach all those years ago.
I love all the lost boys but Pete and Oliver are my favourites (shhh don't tell the others!)

Peter has decided to stir up drama with my father, he stole his prized treasure and now my father is coming to Neverland to attack him, so smart of you, Peter.

I'm sat playing a game with Oliver, we're seeing who can sharpen the most sticks before the lost boys get back from their morning patrol, I'm being nice and sacrificing my ego so he can win.

"How are you so quick!?" I look over at Oliver's pile and he's sharpened 10 sticks, while I've sharpened 4.

"I'm not you are just slow!" He giggled and my jaw dropped.

"Game on." I started sharpening sticks faster, Oliver was no match for my petty speed.

Within 5 minutes I'd added 7 sticks to my pile, Oliver had added one.

Peter and Liam were laughing at my pettiness from across camp, but I couldn't care less, I have a competition to win.

I added 3 more sticks to my pile before the lost boys came jogging into camp,
My pile counted 19 while Oliver's counter 11.

"I win asshole!" I say smugly to the SEVEN YEAR OLD, getting amused glances from the boys.

Oliver's lip quivered as his eyes teared up, it was then I realised he was seven. My face dropped and I literally threw half my sticks at his pile.

"I mean you win! Yea you're so speedy!!" I gush at him and his face changes to a toothy smile.

"Yayy!!! Peter I win again!! I win! I win! I winnn!!!" Oliver jumped around in circles and I stood up, walking over to Peter and Liam, who were leaning against a tree.

"Forget who you were against for a second there?" Peter smirked at me.

"What? Nooo!" I laugh awkwardly. "I could never forget Oliver's only seven.."

Liam chuckled and shook his head, "uh-huh."

Peter just looked at me amused. "Peter I really need to speak to you." I say with a serious tone.

"Ookay." He pushed himself off the tree and began walking to our treehouse, he extended his treehouse so I could have my own room a couple years back.

I followed him in and we for some reason went to his room. He sat on his bed and I sat next to him, in the centre of the bed with my legs crossed.

"What's up Suga?" He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.


His face dropped.

"What about him?" He seemed confused for some unknown reason. "He's literally coming here to kill you and you're doing nothing to prepare!?" I scold him with a dead-serious expression.

He scoffs and rolls his eyes "he doesn't stand a chance against me and the Lost Boys. Plus you." He replied smugly.

"Yeah okay but shouldn't we be training more?? Just in case or something!? I can't be the only one concerned!?" I speak frantically, throwing my arms about.

"Calm down! Look, if it makes you feel any better I'll have the boys train harder, hm?" He smiles at me softly and I return the gesture.

"Yeah, okay." We both nod and leave the treehouse, he goes to play his flute and I go to eat the best thing in existence, chicken.

Night falls and I say goodnight to everyone, giving Oliver and Peter extra big hugs as always before heading off to my room, it's like the exact same as Peter's just a little smaller.

I close my door after I walk in and change into my forest green pjs. I jump onto my bed and climb under the covers before there's a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I look at the door from my spot in bed.

Peter slowly opens the door and walks in, smiling when he sees me.

"I came to say goodnight."

"We already said goodnight?" I look at him confused as he walks over to me.

"Yeah but I want another hug so I deserve another hug" he crosses his arms like Oliver does when he can't have cake.

I laugh softly and open my arms, inviting him to a hug.
He gladly accepts as he throws himself onto me. "Peter!!" I whine, I was so ready for bed.

He laughs and ends the hug, kissing my forehead, "G'night Suga." He speaks as he leaves, closing the door.

I close my eyes and get comfy again, cuddling the fluffy dinosaur Peter got me not long ago, I named him Pringles for fun.

I awoke to someone screaming for Peter. I shot up out of my bed and swung my door open, rushing out I collided with Peter.

"Owww!" Peter whined like a literal baby.
"Grow up you man child." I huff as I climb off him and dash for the door again.

Peter is not far behind me as I quickly open the door. My jaw drops in absolute horror at the scene in front of me. Oliver on the floor next to Liam's body, his throat slit in multiple places, Ace, Slightly and a few other boys trying to calm his hysterical cries.

I didn't realise the tears steaming down my face, or that I'd blocked out the sound around me as I brought my hand to my mouth, falling to my knees.

I let out sobs as I felt someone kneel next to me, I fell against them and buried my face in their chest, soon realising it's Peter.

I wrapped my arms around him and tightened my fists around his shirt as I sobbed more. His arms wrapped around me and the sound came back, he was shushing me in the most calming way and telling me to breathe.

I followed his breathing, calming down as I listened to his heartbeat. I was hiccuping as I breathed heavily, turning to face Liam's lifeless body. "Oh why Liam.." I sob more as I hold Peter's hand in mine.

"Who-" I cut myself off as I realise "Killian."

Oliver was still in hysterics as he ran over to me, jumping into my lap and sobbing into my shoulder, he set me off again as tears began to flow, I was rubbing his back soothingly as I kept looking at Liam.

"I'm gonna kill him."

Well that happened

Don't hate me😭 hru my Pansicles? Heartbroken I presume. Love you alll!!!!

Fri 22nd October 2023.

(1114 Words)

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