Chapter Twenty - Healing.. Ish

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(TW - Murder)


"I'm gonna kill him." I looked down at Lara as she spoke, a semi shocked expression on my face.

"You are?" Shock laced in my voice as she wiped her nose and eyes with the sleeve of her shirt.

She nodded as she re-wrapped her arms around Oliver.

The other boys didn't really take Liam's death hard, a few shedding some tears here and there, but none really showed any emotion, but that was part of being a Lost One, the loss. Lara had never experienced it and Oliver is well, Oliver.

She set Oliver down as he stopped sobbing, she leaned more against me, her arms wrapped around herself as she fully calmed down, her eyes never leaving Liam's body.

She rubbed her eyes again, awkward silence filling the camp as everyone just.. looked.

I gave a signal and a few boys came forward, lifting Liam up to go bury him.

Lara wraps my arms around her and holds them tight, I let her.

She watches as they carefully and strategically carry Liam out of eyeshot, her head dropping when they do.

I stood, lifting Lara with me and dusting myself off. She kept her head down as I kissed her cheek, "you alright?" I whispered in her ear to which she nodded slowly.

I knew she was lying but I let it slide, her best friend just died.


I know Peter means well, but really? 'Are you alright?' Yes, Pete, I'm fucking splendid, my best friend just died, I'm fine and dandy, how are you?

I scrunched my hands up into fists as I began to plan out how to get my father back, many ideas ran through my mind but I settled on his crew, oh how many members of his crew I was going to slaughter.

There is one good thing my father taught me, revenge is best served cold.

I smirk to myself as I lift my head up, I can enact my revenge tomorrow, today, is all about celebrating Liam's life.


Peter had decided we were going to have a bonfire, to celebrate Liam by doing his most favourite thing, dancing.

I still think Peter just wants to see me dance but who am I to say no to celebrating my best friend?

It took me a few moments and some encouragement from Peter before I finally joined in with the dancing, flowing with the music.

I probably looked down right stupid right now but I didn't care, I was celebrating.

I locked eyes with Peter as I danced, he was playing his Panflute now, as always. He never danced, I was beginning to wonder if he even knew how.

I smiled, the tune coming from his flute adding to my happiness as Peter smiled back.

A couple hours later I was worn out, laying at Peter's feet, sprawled out with my eyes closed and breathing heavy.

"I'm gonna miss Liam." I declared with my eyes still closed.

"Me too." Peter laid down next to me in the dirt, I didn't really mind though, great company.

"He was the best" I sigh as I rest my head on Peter's chest. "Hey what about me!?"

"You're not dead."

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