Chapter Eleven - He'll Pay

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After Oscar finished his story about mermaids, I yawned softly,
"Bored of me already?" Oscar joked, nudging me slightly. "What? Of course not! I was woken up wayyyyyyyyyyyy too early. That's all" I quickly tried to explain that I wasn't bored of him, until I noticed everyone's amused expressions, before realising he was joking. "Oh.." I muttered softly and relaxed back down.

"What should we do now?" Ace spoke for the first time. And I was shocked, he had a really soft voice, but it had a hidden emotion to it that I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was.
"You speak?" My shocked-ness was visible as everyone started laughing at me, even Ace. Causing me to go a beautiful shade of pink.
"Sorry that was so rude.." I quietly apologised.

"No worries, I'm used to it." I finally cracked the emotion, sadness. He's sad, always sad. I wonder what happened to him, but his voice is sooo nice. I became obsessed with his voice in my head and felt a presence behind me.
"You like Ace's voice? Tell him then." Peter smirked down at me and I went a darker shade of pink, red even.

"Cute." George smirked at me, the rest of the boys lightly chuckling. Man do I want to evaporate right about now.

"Where's the fun in evaporating? It's fun for the boys to tease the hell out of you." Peter I swear to the actual gods above if you don't stop reading my mind I will stab you in the dick 27 times until you beg me to stop.

Peter's eyes widened at my threat, earning confused glances from the boys. "That's an extremely detailed threat.." he inched away from me and moved closer to Liam, telling all the boys what I said. The blush that had invaded my face was long gone and I was burning holes into Peter's head.

"Feisty. Love it" Ace spoke again, I looked at him and blinked, making sure he'd said it.
"Ye-" I'm going to stop you right there, Peter. The threat earlier still stands. I cut Peter off mid-sentence and he shut the fuck up, thankfully. "Okay, let's relieve some tension. Anyone hungry?" Slightly tried to help, I turned to him and smiled, as he was still sitting next to me.

"I'm starving." I replied, the boys looking at me, judging. "I haven't eaten for like 2 days, give me a break." I huffed out, and Slightly ran off to get me some food, which I was grateful for. I ate literally all the food, leaving zero crumbs.

A lost boy, wearing a mask similar to Sam's but without the horns, black hair and a cloak came running in, holding a sharpened stick.
"2 lost boys found dead near the outskirts of the forest, Pan. Next to the beach." The boy spoke, barely getting his words out as he gasped for breath.

Was this my fathers doing? I looked up at the boy that had ran in, panic rising as the thought of my father murdering kids made me sick to my stomach.

"Find out who did it, find Sam and take him with you. Along with Jo. Don't let your guard down." Peter replied to the news with such calmness it made me think this had happened before,

The panic must have been visible on my face because when Peter turned to me his eyes softened for a milli-second before going back to their dark green. "Yes, Lara. Your father has killed lost boys before, he shows no regret for his killings." Almost every boy in the camp was looking at the scene as I got more and more disgusted and disappointed in my own dad, how could he kill and have no regret.. he took children's lives away.. I looked away from Peter and at the ground beneath my feet, I felt the eyes that were watching me look away.

Slightly put his hand over mine, I looked up at him and he smiled softly, I'll kill him. Peter looked at me, smirking. Knowing exactly who I was talking about. My dad will pay. For hurting their brothers. My face showed pure rage and some of the boys around camp moved away, for some reason. I contained my anger and closed my eyes, my face falling back to its original calm. Giving off my natural calm aura with it. I looked around and they was shocked at how much control I had over my emotions, my emotions aren't explosive but they are dangerous.


I was sitting on a different log near the bonfire, alone, just looking at the bright warm flames as they illuminated the camp. I took note of the boys dancing around it, they looked so happy, so free. I inhaled softly, standing up and walking over to Peter, nudging him slightly. He turned to me from originally talking to Felix.

"Yes?" He already knew my question, so I didn't know the point in him wasting oxygen. "Can I like, go to bed" I yawned half way through my question, Peter nodded before sighing "You don't know where it is do you?" I nodded shyly and he rolled his eyes, before turning to Felix and saying "I'll be back" before standing up and walking off, me following quickly.

He again led me to his treehouse, leading me to his room and opening the door, allowing me to go inside. "Goodnight." He muttered before closing the door and leaving the treehouse. I noticed some folded clothes on the end of his bed, on the corner. I picked them up and a note fell, 'y/n, these are for you. - P' is what the note said, I put the note on his dresser and changed into the clothes, again, his. I rolled my eyes and climbed into bed, sighing at the softness before pulling the covers over me and closing my eyes, curled up in the foetal position, I drifted off to sleep.

HYELLO! wow chapter eleven!! How's your day going? also what's your favourite colour? mines red!! also I had absolutely no idea what to do with this chapter so I apologise that it's awful!
And omfg over 100 readsssss

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love youuuu

(1022 words)

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