Chapter Sixteen - Peeeeter

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I didn't wake to the birds this time, and there was no breeze going into the room, is the window closed?

I sat up and saw Peter sat at his desk in the corner of the room. His head was rested on the desk and it seemed like he was asleep. I found it odd because didn't he say he had somewhere to sleep?

I pulled the covers off me and rolled out of his bed.

I walked slowly over to him, still part-tired from waking up 3 minutes ago.

I got next to him and leaned over his shoulder to see what he'd previously been doing.

He seemed to be looking at a drawing of a boy, maybe around my age. But I've never noticed him before. Maybe Peter needed him?

I nudged him slightly and he jumped up, causing me to stumble back,

"What are you doing?" I still had my morning voice and it clearly amused him.

"Working on something." He replied bluntly, how doesn't he have a morning voice??

He smirked at my thoughts before standing up out of his chair, turning towards me and looking me up and down.

"What?" I muttered, "You look like a mess," he spoke with a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"Screw you" I joked back. I flopped backwards onto the bed, closing my eyes and sighing.

He collapsed onto me making me wheeze. "Peter!" I managed out in between deep struggled breaths.

"Yes?" He shifted to look at me. I groaned as his elbows dug into my stomach. "Get your fat ass off me!" I hissed at him. "Hmm.. no." He fake-smiled before pretending to sleep, putting more weight on me.

"PETER GET UP" I frantically tried to wriggle out from under him but he was just too damn heavy. "Ughhhhhh"

He somehow applied more weight to my stomach, making it impossible to breathe.

I was breathing slower and more heavily, making my chest and stomach start to hurt. "Peeeeter" I wheezed.

The struggle I was in must have been amusing to him because he started laughing, making my stomach hurt even more from his movements.

"Get.. off... me...." I muttered, still trying to wiggle out from under him.

"Fine. But only 'cause I'm bored." He smiled like a child before sitting up off me. I took long exaggerated breaths, panting like a damn dog.

"I hate you." I glared at him. "Sure." He smirked back.

I rolled my eyes and sat up, refusing to look at him. He appeared in front of me causing me to jump back, before turning away from him again. We did this for about 5 minutes before I eventually buried my face in his bed.

He mumbled something under his breath but it was inaudible.

It started to become difficult to breathe so I lifted my head up and Peter was no longer there.

Confused I left the room, leaving the treehouse and going towards the camp.

When I got there Peter was saying something to Felix and Liam and they turned to me, both smirking.

My face furrowed in confusion as I walked over to Slightly, Ace and the other usual boys.

"Morning" Slightly spoke as I sat on the ground.
"Mornin" I replied as I laid back in the dirt.

I heard.. footsteps? Coming towards me but I ignored it.
I felt a presence next to me and was about to open my eyes but the familiar weight from earlier appeared on my stomach.

My eyes shot open and I turned my head to the person laying on me, "Peter get off me. I'm not doing this again!" I hissed at him, getting questioning glances from the boys.

"But it was fun earlier!" He protested like a 2 year old.

"Peter fucking Pan get off me."

He whined like a child before very slowly getting off of me. I sat up almost instantly, glaring at him as he smirked at me.
"I hate you."

I stood up and went to get some water, Peter following close behind.
"So when are we 'banishing' my father from Neverland?" I turned to him as I drank.

His eyebrow rose and he softly smirked (wtf is a soft smirk) "whenever you want."

"Hm, I'm bored right now.." I trailed off in thought.
"Right now sounds good." He spoke and I nodded, he shouted for Ace and a lost boy I hadn't yet met to come over here.

"It's time to banish hook once and for all." Peter said as he looked at them, they began to smirk and Peter turned and walked into the forest.
I quickly jogged next to him and slowed down to a walking pace, Ace and the boy walking behind.

"So what are you gonna do to banish him?" I thought out loud and Peter turned to me, "throw him out of Neverland of course. He knows if he comes back he'll have hell to pay." He smirked at me.

I muttered a 'hm' before I turned my attention back to the beauties of Neverland.

We got to the outskirts of the jungle, the beach and my father's ship in my vision.

I felt eyes on me and turned towards the boys, before realising my face had a look of distress.

"You good?" Peter asked me and I nodded, taking the first step forward.

I headed towards the ship, a few seconds later I heard loud footsteps and I assumed the boys were jogging after me.

I stopped when we got to the ship, my newfound confidence disappearing as I thought of the time my uncle died.

Peter nudged me and a I jumped out of my trance, I wiped the tear that had escaped my eye and spoke,

"Do I have to go watch?" I turned towards Peter, praying for a no.

"No, you can stay down here with Kai." Peter replied, I turned to the lost boy that I assumed was Kai and smiled softly, he smiled back.

"Alright don't miss us too much," Peter smirked before him and Ace disappeared, probably onto the ship. I sat down on the sand and so did Kai, not long after I heard shouts and grunts, the scraping of swords as Peter and Ace battled my 'family'.

I was tracing different patterns in the sand, suddenly the ship disappeared, Peter and Ace appeared on the sand next to me, covered in blood, but had no visible cuts or scratches on them.

"What happened!?"

Idek know what this chapter is anymore 😭

13th September 2023

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