Chapter Twenty One - Sleep

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Start writing your story

(TW - Murder)

"One Down."

Peter looks at me in shock as I glare down at Smee's lifeless body. 

"I did say I'd kill them all, did I not?" I deadpan and some of the boys start whispering among themselves.

Peter nods slowly before hoisting Smee over his shoulder and leaving the camp to go and do god-knows-what. I wipe my bloodied knife on my shirt and put it back into its holster.

I walk off to my treehouse and sit in the living area on a stool. I contemplate my next move for hours, wondering where to hit. 

I don't realise how long I'd been sat there till Peter came in with a smug look on his face, 

"What?" I look at him confused. he sits on the stool next to me with that stupid expression still on his face. "You're actually going through with it. You're going to kill your own father" He replies like it's the most obvious thing ever. 

"Right.. right." I stand up and groan at my sore muscles. Peter laughs as I stretch and start heading to my room. "G'night big bro" I mutter and walk into my room; closing the door behind me.

I sit on my bed and slide my shoes off, I also take my belt off and put it next to my shoes on the floor.

I lay on my bed out of the blankets and sigh. I wasn't meant to be a killer. I was meant to be better than him. I was meant to prove I'm stronger. I failed. Is the last thing I think before I fall into a nightmare-induced sleep


I cut him off with my hand in the air. "You shut your mouth you slimy sea dog" I growl through gritted teeth as I step forward.

"Are you seriously trying to justify killing my best friend? My brother!?" I stand a few feet away from him as Smee looks down in shame.

"I thought that you'd be the one to stop him, tell him it'd be too far, but no. You're all the same. and for that you'll all pay." I glare at him as I tighten my grip on my dagger.

Smee goes to protest and I go to slit his throat but someone appears Infront of me.

Uncle Liam.

I stop dead in my tracks and drop my dagger "Uncle?" tears well in my eyes as I step back. "How- How are you alive?"

He looks down at me with disappointment written all over his face. "You were supposed to be better than him. You were meant to prove that not ever Jones is a murderer. You failed me, You failed your Father, you failed your Mother, you failed Oliver, you failed Liam"

I gasp and step back, choking on tears.

"You- You're wrong! Liam could never be disappointed in me! I was his best friend!"

"Or you were a distraction. Who's to say they aren't pretending? Who's to say they're planning on killing you? They don't care about you Lara. As soon as you have killed your father you are next." He steps closer with a sickening smirk on his face.

"Stop!" I sob as I step back. I grab my discarded dagger off the floor and grip it tightly.

"Face it, Felix was right. They don't like you. You're a female; females don't belong in Neverland."


I wake up gasping and crying as I grip my bedsheets. I wipe my eyes with shaky hands as I sit up.

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