Chapter Two - Neverland

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I was woken by the ship rocking heavily, and the sounds of men shouting hurriedly. I swung my legs out of my hammock before getting up fully, placing my sword in it's scabbard I made my way to the main deck.

I leaned over the side of the ship and looked ahead, spotting a shape of an island as it slowly got bigger.

"Here we are, Neverland." Killian shouted from the wheel, causing the crew to break out into cheers again.

Do you guys ever get tired of cheering like children.. I thought to myself, before walking to the front of the ship to get a better look of the island I'd longed to step foot on. As the ship got closer to the beach it started to slow down, eventually coming to a stop on the golden sand. Neverland was everything I had dreamed of, It was a vibrant, lively island, from what I could see anyway.

What business could my father have here..? I'd question my mind, knowing I'd never get told, when I get 'older' my father will say its 'not important anymore, Lara. Drop it.' And that'll be that. As one of the crew placed the board firmly into the sand for Hook to walk down, I grew more excited. I rushed over to the others, about to run down the board when a hook stopped me,

"Where do you think you're going?" Killian questioned with an amused look on his face. "On the beach, where else?" I sassily replied, causing my father to chuckle. "No, you are to stay on the ship with smee. where its safe."

safe my ass i laughed at my own thought, making Killian look at me confused. "Don't worry about it, and whatever I'll stay on the ship. Just for you" I said sarcastically. As my dad walked down the board I burned holes into the back of his head. Why does he never let me have fun.. I thought to myself. I smiled at smee as I walked past him. I sat down on the floor, beginning to sharpen my sword and drifting off into my thoughts.


(Killian and Liam were never sailors for the king, they have always been pirates.)

Lara was running around deck, waiting for her father and uncle to return when something hit the ship, one of the crew ran over before helping someone on. it couldn't of been her father, or uncle because they were together. Right?

Lara ran over, seeing that it was her father. "Where's Uncle Liam?" My innocent self would look around, maybe he was getting helped up? Killian looked at me with sorrowful eyes. "Uncle Liam didn't make it, Munchkin."  I shook my head, refusing to believe that my uncle could be gone, but I realised it was true after my father used the nickname given to me by Liam, when I was just a little Munchkin.


A tear fell from my eye as I finished sharpening my sword, Smee seemed to notice because he came over to me "Everything alright, Kid?"

"Yes, Smee. I'm fine. Thank you" I smiled up at him and he nodded slowly, clearly not convinced. "Okay, well if you need me you know where to find me!" He smiled back at me before walking off to do his daily tasks.

I heard a whoosh down on the beach, I walked over to the edge of the ship before seeing someone who I'd never seen before, He was a teenager, around 16/17. so he couldn't be a part of my dad's crew.

The mysterious boy looked up at me, a smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised. I jumped down onto the sand as quietly as I could, before looking up at the boy and asking;

"Who are you?"

Chapter 2 bay-be! Still a bit short but, I'm just starting the story so what dya expect?? How is everyone!? Hope you are enjoying my story so far, I'm really excited to have started it. Again, any questions please let me know and have an awesome day!

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(682 Words)

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