Chapter Twelve - Missing!?

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~Killian POV~ (The morning after Lara left the ship)

"CAP'N! CAP'N!" Smee ran over to me as I left my quarters. "What, Smee?" I looked down at him as I was taller. "She's missing, Lara's missing!" Smee reported and all colour drained from my face as my face dropped. "What? you were supposed to be watching her how is she missing!?" I hissed at him and he took a step back, slight fear showing on his face. "We were all sleeping, Captain." He muttered. "Who could've done this?" I looked him dead in the eyes,

"Peter Pan is a possibility, Sir." He spoke quietly, trying to not provoke me with the name.

"Then we find him, and Lara." I ordered and he nodded, notifying all the pirates of the plan. what is she thinking going off with him??

~Lara POV~ (Present time)

I opened my eyes and Peter was inches from my face staring at me, I gasped, jumping backwards and almost falling of the bed, causing him to laugh at me like a child. I sat up and glared at him "Was that necessary.?" I hissed out at him, his laughter dying down. "Yes, you're very peaceful when you're sleeping." He smiled, creepy much..

his gaze faded into a glare, "Get up, breakfast is soon and the boys for some reason want you there." Is all he said before he stood up and left the room, probably giving me time to actually process that I'm awake. I looked around the room, the darkness outside catching my eye of course he woke me up before sunrise. Why wouldn't he? I rolled my eyes before standing up, not having a care in the world about what I was wearing and leaving the treehouse, making my way to where the boys were for breakfast.

I walked over to Liam, him being the person I'm currently closest to in terms of friendship. I mumbled out a 'good morning' to everyone before sitting down next to him, getting a few 'morning's in return.

Rubbing my eyes I realised most of them were looking at me, probably due to the fact I refused to get dressed before leaving the treehouse.

"So, how did you sleep?" Liam looked at me, causing the boys who weren't looking at me to do so. "Um.. fine, I guess?" I yawned out, still tired.

"Good. What do you want for breakfast?" Ace chimed in. "Anything." I replied a little too quickly, getting a few weird looks from the boys.
"What? I'm hungry." I muttered and Liam chuckled from next to me.

"I'll be back with your food, socialise." Liam spoke before walking to do so. I looked at everyone awkwardly, shying away from them and looking down, doing the exact opposite of what I was told to do.Sam and the boy that i didn't know the name of yet sprinted into the camp, catching mine and everyone else's attention.

"Hook. It was Hook's doing. He killed the boys and.. Jo, didn't get away from him in time. He was shouting for his daughter?" Sam frantically spoke and everyone turned to me like I was the one who killed them.

"Interesting. No one leaves the camp until the 'captain' is dealt with." Peter had appeared next to Sam and the boy, a hint of anger in his eyes.

The boys all muttered 'yes pan' and got back to what they were doing. My only thought was what about hunting?. Peter turned to me and rolled his eyes before walking over to me. "Hunting isn't my concern right now, Lara."

"Got it." I muttered before looking back at the floor, thankfully before Peter could speak anymore Liam walked over with my food, he brought me waffles topped with whipped cream. Fuck did you get this stuff from?? I blinked at the waffles twice before cautiously taking the plate. Liam saw my uncertainty and laughed, "The waffles won't bite you." He smirked as I felt a slight blush rising on my cheeks.

"I know I know.." I started to eat and so did the rest of the boys, when they got their food I do not know. A few minutes passed and that's when I clocked, he did kill them. My father killed children how could he!? I hissed at him in my thoughts and Peter looked at me, smirking. These boys just love to smirk don't they.
I rolled my eyes and Peter laughed at me, I huffed and picked up a stick that had been laying on the ground, before starting to draw into the dirt.

It took me a minute to realise I'd been subconsciously drawing my dagger, I stopped and looked at it, Liam was looking at it too.

"You've got some talent." He smiled lightly before going back to.. what was he even doing?
I turned to him and noticed he was actually whittling. When did he even start doing that-? Damn this place confuses me.

~Killian POV~

"Any traces of her?" I turned to my crew as they returned to the small camp I'd set up on this wretched island.
"No, Captain. Wherever she went she's covered her tracks well." One of my men replied, the others warily keeping their distance, smart.

"Keep looking. We aren't leaving without her, if you come across any lost boys bring them here. The few I've killed weren't worth questioning." They nodded and went back into the dark jungle, I sighed and stood up, getting her back-up dagger from my belt and looking at it.

You can't hide forever, Lara. I smirked as I imagined her face when I'd find her and bring her back to the ship. She'd of became friends with the lost boys by now, perfect way to fuck with her head.

I put her dagger back in it's spot on my belt as I scanned the jungle around the camp for any signs of movement, none.

It's quiet. Too quiet. There's no lost boys running around, animals hunting, birds chirping. There's nothing.

I struggled to write this chapter I was lost on how to write the filler 💀
But anywho, isn't killian a dick?? Sadistic he is.

I totally didn't write him like that, Nu-uh it was someone else obviously 🙄

😂Aight ima shut up. Lmk wht u think!

(1053 words)

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