Chapter Three - Peter Pan

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"Who are you?"

The boy smirked again before walking closer, making me stumble back into the ship.

"Did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter, Peter Pan." The boy answered, looking all smug. The smugness quickly faded as he noticed my confused expression. "The fairy-tale character?" I questioned, looking the boy up and down as if he was crazy.

"The fairy-tale? I'm 100% real, love. And how are you in Neverland if you don't know who Peter Pan is?" The boy raised an eyebrow. Man sure loves his eyebrows.

"I've only heard stories. Never knew you was real, and for Neverland, I just gathered it was an island that was named after the fairy tale." I replied, I'm convinced this guy is crazy, Peter Pan isn't real, right?

"Um, no. Neverland is real, with me and the Lost Boys being its inhabitants." Peter replied. I heard Smee shouting for me. "I've got to go, um I'll see you around?" I'd smile slightly. "If you ever leave the ship again, I'll be at the camp. It's in the jungle, if you need me just call for me." The boy replied before disappearing into thin air.

What the hell?

"LARA??" Smee frantically called from the deck, "Smee I'm just down here! I wanted to see what the sand was like, magic and all." I shouted, jumping onto the ship. "Lara! Your father gave you direct orders to not leave the ship!" Smee shouted in My face, I knew he was just panicked but it was still annoying.

"Smee, I'm fine. I literally touched sand I think I'll live." I grumpily huffed back at him. "Lara, the moment you step foot off this ship he can get you. He is someone you never want to encounter." Smee replied.

"And who exactly is he?" I'm confused on who could possibly be a threat on a fairy tale island, Fairy-tales are all good, right? "Peter Pan."

"Woah woah woah, what's wrong with this 'Peter Pan'?" I tried to hide my confusion, Peter had seemed nice not a threat. "Peter Pan is a bloody demon who you never want to encounter. He's killed multiple people, Our people, Lara. Pirates. Indians. Lara he is dangerous. If you ever encounter him, run the other way. Him and his boys are ruthless." Smee explained the dangers of Peter Pan while I just stood there confused,

"He's a fairy-tale character? he cant be that bad." I countered, Defending a person I don't even know. "You wouldn't get it, Lara. It's not my place to tell you." Smee sighed as I scoffed and walked to where I left my sword, I sat back down and rested My head against the ship, drifting off into another dreamless sleep.


I woke to another whoosh outside on the beach, I noticed my father and crew hadn't returned yet, Smee must've been asleep. I stood up and stretched, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I grabbed my sword and placed it in the scabbard before I jumped down off the ship again, facing the large jungle Peter had told me to go into to find him.

I began walking, holding onto my sword's handle as i entered the dense jungle, I looked around and spotted all different flowers, I picked up a yellow rose and smelt it, it smelt like freedom. (whatever that smells like) I placed the flower down and examined the trees, climbable I thought to myself before focusing my attention on the ground. The path I didn't realise I was following had multiple shoe marks in it, as if people had recently been running on it. I leant down to examine the tread marks, when I felt something run behind me.

I grabbed the dagger in my boot and spun around, to be met with nothing. "What the hell?" I thought aloud.


From the trees I watched as the girl leant down, examining the path the boys had recently run that earlier day. I signalled a lost boy to run behind her, as predicted she grabbed her dagger, spinning around to be face with nothing. "What the hell?" she looked around confused. "Interesting.." I'd mutter to myself, she must of heard me because she looked directly at me, not getting a good look before I disappeared


I looked up as someone spoke in a tree, looking dead at them before they disappeared. could it be peter? I thought to myself. I decided to shrug it off and continued my journey, having no idea where I was going.

I wandered into a darker area in the jungle, looking around and straining my eyes before I saw something I never thought I'd see,  a Pixie.

Yoo chapter three! Is it good so far? please tell me how I can improve! I'm all ears to suggestions and feedback!

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(793 Words)

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