Chapter Ten - The Lie

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About an hour had passed since I'd been put in this hellhole and it hasn't gotten any more comfortable. Not that I expected it to but ya know, hoped it would.

I turned my head to the left of me as I heard a rustling in the bushes, not far off the worn-out path that led to camp.

Felix popped out and I looked at him, blinking twice to make sure I wasn't hallucinating, before just looking at him confused.

"Pan made me make sure you hadn't somehow escaped.. I told him you were incapable but he didn't listen." He spoke, emphasising 'pan'.

"Well Peter can suck his own dick. And so can you." I hissed back. Felix just chuckled softly before walking towards me. "You look hungry, I'd offer you food but you're not allowed any. And I thought you'd like to know, The boys are talking about how stupid you are, so there goes your friends." He smirked as my face dropped, showing the slightest bit of hurt on my face even though my heart felt like it'd just been crushed by a ton of bricks.

"Whatever, you can go now. I'm not going anywhere." I rested my head on the bars of the cage, closing my eyes and tuning out Felix.
They wouldn't say that.. I could've sworn Liam liked me? Am I that delusional? I probably am. I'm talking to myself! My mind was all over the place and I heard Felix's footsteps as he left the area, the sound getting quieter until I was yet again plunged into silence.

I shut my thoughts up by thinking of the ocean, imagining the calming waves and the ship rocking back and forth slowly, the smell of salty water was one I was familiar with. I let myself drift off into a dream-filled sleep.


10 years ago.

I was running around the ship, my uncle Liam chasing me, both of us laughing like little kids.
I looked behind me and my uncle wasn't there, I began to turn back around when I ran full-speed into someone, knocking myself backwards on my butt.

"Ow.." I looked up and saw uncle Liam, he picked me up under my arms and lifted me up,  before tickling me like a maniac until I couldn't breathe.

"Uncleee! S-stop it!" I managed to speak in-between fits of giggles. "Am I your favourite uncle?" He stopped tickling me, allowing me to reply. "You are my only uncle!" I giggled at his childishness, wait what does that word mean? Big word. "But am I your favourite?" He smiled at me, a big boyish smile, "Of course you are silllyyyy" I smiled back at him.

The ship started to shake, viciously, as if someone were shaking a toy boat in a small pool of water.

I clung onto my uncle, the shaking becoming more intense.

I woke up to the cage being viciously shook, I grounded and kicked the bars, the shaking stopped.

"Morning sunshine. Get up, you need to get out." Peter spoke, I could almost hear his smirk. "No." I whispered in a sleepy voice,

"Excuse me? Get up." He huffed "Or I'll shake the cage again." He threatened, I opened my eyes, it was still dark. "Um, I don't think you have a great concept of time, but you aren't supposed to wake up when it's dark." I looked at him, too tired for this.

"We do, you got lucky yesterday. Get up." He looked at me with a look in his eye that said 'don't piss me off.' I rolled my eyes, this is such bullshit. It was Peter's turn to roll his eyes now. I sat up as Peter was lowering the cage with the rope. I was honestly surprised that he didn't just drop me on my ass.

He chuckled at my thoughts as he opened the cage door, offering me a hand that I took in order to get out and up easier. He took a step back and I stretched, relishing in the slight free feeling of being out of that damned cage. I looked up at Peter, he had been watching me this whole time, he turned around and began walking on the path that Felix had ignored last night. I followed him back to the camp, remembering what Felix had said;

"And I thought you'd like to know, The boys are talking about how stupid you are, so there goes your friends."  Peter looked at me but I didn't realise, my head was down and I was focused on my feet. Believing Felix, I walked into the camp feeling alone. I stayed close to Peter, maybe too close, but I didn't care.

"Hey!" I looked up and it was Liam, he saw my hurt expression and looked confused? What is he confused about?? He looked at Peter, and Peter must've spoken silently or something because Liam's face shifted. "Felix lied, Lara." Liam tried to convince me, but I didn't care. I Looked at him, he looked at me with a sincere look, telling me I could believe him. He held out his hand and I slowly took it, he led me to the other boys, doing the same thing to them that Peter did to him, silently speaking.

They looked up at me and Slightly stood up, slapping Liam's hand off of mine before grabbing it himself, dragging me to sit on the log he had been sitting on, he sat next to me and let go of my hand. I smiled softly at him before turning to the others. "It was rather quiet without a girl with us. No I'm not saying that to make you feel better, we've never had a girl here, having one around, even if it was a short amount of time, was fun." George looked at me as he was talking, sharing the same sincere look Liam had a few moments ago.

"Thanks.." I spoke quietly, still not liking the amount of boys in the group. I looked around, I didn't spot Alex. "Where's Alex?" I looked at Liam, phrasing the question at him. "Told you she'd ask about me!" Alex strolled over to us, he'd been hiding in a bush... mature.

I rolled my eyes at him, "I was only asking where you were, didn't know if you were like Sam." I fake smiled at him, he smirked a little. "Suree. Whatever helps you sleep at night." He winked at me and I shook my head at him. He sat down with us and we began talking about Neverland, I was so invested and it was visible. Liam looked at me as I listened to Oscar talking about Mermaid Lagoon, and he laughed slightly at me. I looked over to him, as did everyone else.

"Sorry, she just looked so invested." He smiled at me. "I haven't lived here for centuries, I have the right to be invested!" I countered, making everyone laugh. Oscar continued his story and I loved every word of it.

Heyyy! Who do you want Lara to get close to? Liam, Alex, George, Sam, Ace, Slightly, Oscar? Felix?? Lmk!!

Also is anyone reading this.. if you are have a great day :P

(1184 Words)

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