Chapter 3

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That night, Freen was a bundle of nerves and anxiety. So much so that she couldn't really sit still. Rebecca had sent her an rushed mail delivery in the form of an envelope. It was of her latest test results, showing medically there was nothing wrong with her. That she had no STD's, or other various issues and had a clean bill of health. When Freen texted to ask if she wanted to see her own. The boss replied with a simple.

"Yours is already available on file."

It scared her a bit if she were being honest. As she imagined Rebecca speaking those words in boss mode.

"Fuck, what am I about to get into." The woman sighs. She thinks she's crazy to agree to being her boss's daddy. The very thought is still laughable. There's no way she can be a daddy. Her phone beeps with a notification.

"Daddy, tomorrow after work. We'll begin."

"Oh, sure, ma'am." Fuck, Freen thinks. She's not supposed to call her CEO. The next thing she knows Rebecca is calling her. Damn, what should she do. She can't just ignore her boss. So she answers the phone.


"Daddy. You just gave me an idea."

"Oh, did I?" The woman nervously says into the phone. That wasn't her intention to give her boss more ideas. The very last thing Rebecca needs is more ideas.

"Yes, see. You first have to get used to calling me princess or baby girl. Then you'll get more comfortable. When we're not at work. I want you to call me baby girl."

Freen gives a nod into the phone as if Rebecca is actually seeing her. She doesn't speak so Rebecca speaks instead.

"Freen-daddy, call me what I asked."

"Uh, yes, baby girl!"

"Okay." Becky nods. It still needs more work. She'll help Freen become more comfortable. Since, that is a part of the problem. Freen is not yet comfortable. But she will be.

"Say it again. But stronger."

"Baby girl."

It's a little better. Only, not quite in the tone she needs it to be. Becky knows she won't be turned on fully until she hears Freen sound more confident. She needs to hear Freen sound sexy, and confident, Becky thinks about her calling her name in an dominant voice, and it is making her wet.

"Can you please call me again, just stronger. Pretend like it's earlier when I gave you head, remember?"

How on earth could she have forgotten? The brunette can hardly believe it still. She remembers how warm, hot, and great her mouth felt around her dick. The memories of earlier maker her throb a bit in her shorts.

"Yes, I remember, baby girl." Freen says it more clearly. There is also a bit more intensity in her voice. Becky likes that tone. She almost feels like shoving fingers into herself now. She's so turned on now. She would love it if Freen could talk to her more. Becky would really love if Freen could make her come with that sexy voice of hers. She isn't sure if it's possible now. Freen isn't ready yet. Once they start lessons. She will be ready. The woman may not be able to help in the way she needs. It doesn't mean she can't help at all.

"Daddy, I need a favor."

"What is it?" Freen wonders. Everytime, Rebecca asks for something. Freen has no idea what to expect from her raven-haired boss.

"I'm horny and wet. I need to come. I know you're not ready for the kind of help I need now. I want you to just listen to me get off."

Oh. Oh, dear lord. How in the hell is Freen supposed to sit there and listen as her beautiful, sexy boss with her hot voice get off? More importantly how is she supposed to do this without getting hard too. She falls into bed with a slight thud.

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