Chapter 7

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“We need to build your confidence.” Rebecca told her one evening when they were out to dinner. Ever since their confrontation the day in Freen’s apartment she and Rebecca were spending time together that wasn’t at the hotel. Dare Freen say they were acting somewhat normal? Here they were having dinner like two regular people, despite the whole Daddy/Babygirl thing going on. Freen looks up from her wine.

“My confidence?”

“Yes,” Rebecca nods. “Having confidence with this sort of thing is very important. You’re nervous and scared of being my daddy also because of your lack of confidence. We need to start building that up.”

It makes sense when Rebecca says it. Her boss is probably right in a way. A part of her really doesn’t think she can be a daddy, even if Rebecca seems to think otherwise.

“But what are you going to do?”

The raven-haired boss shakes her head. This is not a her only effort. She thought she explained to Freen that this was a team effort. They are an us in this endeavor. This is a team and Rebecca sees she needs to remind her of that.

“We are a team, daddy.” She whispers the daddy part but Freen still heard it. The woman nods. She remembers what Rebecca said before. This is supposed to be a team effort. After dinner the two start heading their separate ways. Rebecca actually grabs her by the arm for a moment and it forces Freen to turn back to look at her.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. I just want you to meet me at the Hotel tomorrow. There’s something we need to do.”

“Um…” Freen thinks to herself. She can’t actually meet up with Rebecca tomorrow because she has plans on Saturday. She already promised to meet with Tee and Nam for movies and hanging out. They haven’t seen one another properly in a while.

“What’s the problem?” Rebecca asks because she sees how hesitant that Freen looks. It’s clearly not going to be anything she wants to hear.

“I have plans already.”

“Oh, do you?”

“Yeah, I’ve made these plans a while ago. I’m sorry.”

“No, I understand. Are you going to be busy all day?”

“Most of the day.” Freen knows how she and her friends get when they spend time together. They usually have so much fun that they lose track of time.

“Alright, call or text me if you’re free at all. If not I do want to see you Sunday.”

“Um, is this for lesson 3?”

“No.” The CEO assures. “Well, sort of. But it’s not our lesson three. Just call me if you’re free. I’ll talk to you soon.”

Rebecca says no more and heads for her car. Freen has a feeling that Rebecca might be upset. She seemed like it anyway, but it’s not her fault that she has things to do. They do see each other in their week and definitely the phone calls have been kept up. Freen goes home because she does have to get up tomorrow for her day out with her friends. She’ll try to meet up with Rebecca for Sunday, whatever it is she wants to do. Rebecca said it wasn’t necessarily for lesson 3 but could be related. It could mean absolutely everything.

Now, just because Freen said she had plans that didn’t mean Rebecca was simply going to leave her daddy alone. Oh no, there’s no leaving her alone. Because barely Freen is with her friends the next day when she keeps getting texts.

Princess: Daddy, are you really sure that you can’t spend time with me today?

“Oh shit,” Freen mutters. She knows exactly what this is. It can only be one of a few things. Rebecca is most likely testing her for something as she almost always is, or Rebecca is simply fucking with her to get in her head which is probably also some sort of test.

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