Chapter 14[M]

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Freen was amazing. There were no other words to describe it, other than amazing, as Rebecca felt so out of it after they got out of the pool, with hardly anything to say, and Freen took care of her.

“Hey,” Freen softly spoke, with a big hotel towel in hand. “I’ve got you, let’s get you back up to the room.” The towel goes around her, and Freen helps her up. The raven can only give a small nod of thanks and clutched the towel around her tighter. Freen made sure to not let go of her either. She held her hand the whole time as they made their way back up to their room, and this was one of the first times, in maybe ever that Rebecca allowed herself to be cared for in such a way.

“I’m going to run you a warm bath, and I’ve asked room service to bring up some tea and if you’re up for it a warm dessert, since that always makes me feel better at times like this. I’ll be back, okay.”

Freen doesn’t get very far when Rebecca reaches out for her arm. The woman wonders if there’s anything else. Rebecca really hadn’t said much since their pool encounter, and in short Freen was worried about her. She’d never seen her boss like this, ever, and now Freen was in a protection mode of sorts. Her natural caring instincts in a high overdrive.

“Thank you.” Rebecca whispers softly, it is a relief to hear her voice. Freen nods and then goes to draw that warm bath for her. It is a surprise to Freen that Rebecca is even letting her help this much. However, the woman has clearly shut down and is on some sort of auto-pilot mode right now. At least, Freen can help her now, and so she draws the warm bath for her, nothing too hot, perfectly warm and when she goes to get Rebecca the raven is sort of nodding off.

“Bec, the bath’s ready.”

The help doesn’t stop by just drawing her a bath. Freen helps her all the way into the bathroom and stays there with her, making sure she doesn’t fall asleep in the tub.

“I’ve got a robe right here for you when you’re ready to get out. Room service will bring the tea soon, and I’ve asked for some of their chocolate chip cookies and brownies too, in case.”

“The soft kind of chocolate chip cookies?” Rebecca asks, a hopeful tone in her voice. God, does this woman seem so human now, human, vulnerable, and just not like a CEO at this time.

“Yeah, the soft kind.”

Rebecca did allow her to take care of her in every way, as what choice did she have when she was so out of it, and in truth it was quite nice. Very nice actually with how Freen helped her out of the tub, dried her hair, and gave her pajamas to her. By the time Rebecca was sitting up in bed, pajamas and comfy robe on. The room service did come and the smell of chocolate chip cookies hit Rebecca’s nose and now she couldn’t wait to try one. Though her mind was still a bit all over the place, at least her body was feeling better, thanks a lot to that warm shower. A part of her is even confused by her actions back there, so she knows Freen must be confused.

“They look good, right? These are those cookies you probably have to pay like seven dollars for in one of those fancy bakeries, here.” Freen hands her one of the chocolate chip cookies on a small plate, since it’s a big cookie, and really one is enough. Not that Freen wouldn’t try and eat most of them on this plate. She certainly would, but this was about Rebecca right now.


Her voice sounded a lot clearer, and she looked better as well. That pool incident ended up a bit on the emotional side, and it wasn’t all because the sex was different then either. Freen knew she was overwhelmed clearly after all of that happened, and no doubt everything that must be in Rebecca’s head.


“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for…”

“This, back there, that was very embarrassing and I have no excuse for it.”

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