Chapter 5

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Two weeks had passed since the mini lesson. Rebecca was also being quite secretive about the lesson 2. The fact that Rebecca wouldn’t say anything only made Freen nervous. Well, it made her more nervous than usual. Her boss may be hot, gorgeous, sexy, and obviously wants her. It doesn’t mean Freen isn’t also scared of her on some level. Rebecca is still her boss no matter how much she may tell her to forget about it when they’re alone. She has Freen  ’s life in her hands since she cuts her checks.

Still, having no idea what to expect next was very unsettling. Rebecca could be planning anything for them. Freen feels like she will turn into a complete and total wreck soon enough. It’s no wonder why the brunette hasn’t already fallen apart. On top of not knowing any details about this mysterious lesson 2. They were also still having phone calls, and now those harmless phone calls turned into video calls, to which it was no longer regular phone sex. This is the more dangerous kind of phone sex where you can see one another. The kind that feels more intimate because of being able to look at what the other is doing, and imagining yourself with them. Freen gets up from her desk to go to the restroom. She throws some water on her face to help calm herself down. The  woman is trying to rid herself of the previous night’s video chat.


Freen sat at her laptop with one hand on the keyboard, and the other trying not to start stroking herself. Rebecca wasn’t even doing anything yet. Her boss simply sat there in a see through purple top and sexy short black shorts. All Freen could see was pale legs and they were such a turn on to the brunette. Everything about Rebecca Armstrong is a major turn on if Freen really thinks about it.

“You’ve never done this before have you?” The raven questions in a deadpan voice. Freen runs her fingers through her brown locks. Was she being that obvious?

“Um, no?”

“I could tell. Listen, it’s not difficult. We’re still going to talk to each other, but we’ll see each other too. I can start if you’re that nervous.”

Freen doesn’t even have time to tell her no when Rebecca is getting out of her shorts and purple underwear. The  woman stares at her. She is so beautiful and it’s very distracting. It’s almost enough to make Freen want to forget how scary she can be.

“Daddy?” Rebecca calls her.

“Yes, baby girl!” She jumps to attention, hoping like god she doesn’t screw even this online call up. Rebecca doesn’t say anything as far as the way she called her baby girl. She just instructs Freen to get out of her boxers. The raven simply watches as Freen does free herself of her boxers. She isn’t hard yet but just the sight of her cock even in its limp state is a turn on.

“It’s not difficult, we’re just going to talk to each other like we normally do. Only know we can see each other. I’ll start,” Rebecca tells her and shows Freen how she is teasing the outside of her folds. She’s not yet shoving her fingers in. She’s only trying to gauge Freen's reaction to her teasing. The brunette is just staring at her, specifically those pretty fingers.

“I have always wanted us to get off together, and this is one way we can.” Rebecca admits as she slides one finger into herself in a slow manner. Freen instinctively wraps her hand around her cock. Rebecca is now focused on her beautiful hand covering herself.

“How many fingers do you normally use?” Freen asks.


“Fuck, that’s because you’re so tight,” the  woman remembers, but looks horrified by what she ended up saying. She doesn’t want Rebecca to think she’s some pervert remembering how tight she felt. She thinks her boss will disconnect the call, but something else happens.

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