Chapter 13[M]

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For a moment, Rebecca wondered if what had happened between herself and Freen was what someone could call good luck, or better maybe it was a fluke, a one time freak accident that wouldn’t happen again, like getting struck by lightning.

“F-Fuck, oh my god…” Rebecca grips the sheets underneath her as she felt all of Freen’s full hard cock inside of her, for what was probably the fourth time since last night. She was starting to lose track.

It was not a fluke.

“Don’t..” Freen says it hotly in her ear. “Don’t fuck me back, I didn’t say you could.”

What happened to Freen? Was this all a matter of her pretending to want someone else that triggered this reaction out of her daddy. This is exactly what she wanted though, this is the kind of fucking she wanted since deciding she wanted Freen as her daddy. She would have to talk to Freen, but after this, because being fucked was more important. In her horny state the dark-haired woman started to fuck her cock back and she wasn’t prepared for what happened next. The next thing she knew, Freen pulled out of her.

“Mm, no….” that cute whine does something to Freen. It turns her on in way she is sure not used to, and almost for a moment the woman is about to thrust back into her, but she remembers that’s not how it’s supposed to go. She is this woman’s daddy at this moment and because she is Rebecca’s daddy she has to make sure to be in control of this.

“Why are you so bad, princess? Huh?” Freen touches her chin and Rebecca looks at that determined look in those pretty eyes that only turn her on, and make her stomach clench down in need. This was certainly not a fluke at all, not when Freen suddenly picked her up in a swift but strong motion and turned her around towards the headboard. But that wasn’t all, not by a longshot when the next thing Rebecca knew her hands were being tied with one of Freen’s tie, not enough to cause any pain, but surely enough to keep her still against that headboard, and if that wasn’t the hottest thing, especially when Freen, without warning gave her a hard smack against the ass.


This is what she wanted though, and fuck if it didn’t feel so good, with Freen behind her, spanking her and telling her how bad she was, not to mention her swollen pre-come covered cock hard teasing her at the same time. Now all she wanted was for Freen to be inside of her again. She needed Freen to be inside of her again.

“Fuck me, please..”

Rebecca begging, actually begging is something Freen would not even associate with her on a regular basis. But as Rebecca said to her many times before, this is how she is in the bedroom, this is what she likes in the bedroom, and it has nothing to do with her everyday personality. And because this is also a role, Freen lets go even more and gives into the role that she is playing right now.

“Ask me again, properly.” Another tap to her ass that excites Rebecca. Freen is probably the hottest she’s ever been right now and all she wants to do is give into everything Freen tells her, especially if it’s kept up like this.

“Daddy, please….” A cute lip bite is added to her plea and Freen swears her cock jolts in response to that, how the hell can she deny that face, or that cute needy energy that Rebecca is exuding right now.

Freen says nothing but gives Rebecca an answer in the form of a strong thrust. Rebecca does feel so good, truly. Freen groans out again at the feeling of her soaked hot pussy wrapped around her tightly, and pulls her all the way back onto her cock.

“Y-Yes, fuck...oh my god….”

Freen doesn’t think she will ever forget seeing this side of Rebecca, how vocal she is when being fucked, how the woman encourages Freen to give her everything, and not hold back. Freen does too, gives her everything, just in the way Rebecca wants her too, again, Rebecca is lost to her need to just hump that cock inside of her, because Freen feels that good. She is also just that horny and has been waiting so very patiently for her daddy to arrive, but that was a big mistake. A very big mistake as Freen pulled out of her again, just as she was really getting into it.

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