Chapter 6

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Freen had put up a certain distance between the two of them, and Rebecca didn’t quite know what to make of it. Lesson 2 had gone better than she expected for it, and the raven thought they would continue to make progress. She knew Freen wasn’t quite at the level she needed, but Freen was also trying. If lesson 2 had been any indicator of the woman’s potential, Rebecca knew she has a daddy in there somewhere just waiting to be unleashed. What the CEO doesn’t like is the distance. Freen won’t return her calls or texts. She does everything she can to avoid her, and has even missed a few days of work. Rebecca is worried that perhaps Freen has changed her mind, and that is something that can’t happen.

Rebecca knows today she will get to the source of the issue, and confront the woman herself. Irin tells her that again she’s out, with the claim that she’s ill. Rebecca wonders if there is any truth to this claim, and maybe Freen is at home sick. Rebecca just really hates being ignored, and it angers her that her daddy isn’t responding to any calls or texts. It not only angers the boss, it also makes Rebecca want her ever more. If such a thing is even possible, because she already really wants Freen.

“We need to talk.” Rebecca sends her another text. There’s no response and so the raven knows what she’ll do. She’s not the type to sit around and wait for answers. Rebecca is the person who goes to get results, whatever they might be. She’s going to go to Freen’s residence and talk to her. You don’t ignore Rebecca Armstrong without a very good reason. Freen in reality is not sick, at least not in the physical sense. She is sick with herself, and how she allowed herself to slip into that mode while with Rebecca. Freen never imagined herself as someone who would enjoy being in that position of power over someone else. There was just something about the way Rebecca was moaning and laid out over her lap. There was something in the way she kept smacking her ass, and her boss wanting more and more.

Freen left that hotel room scared of herself. She worried about what this whole being a daddy business would do to her, or what it could do to her? What if she gets so into her role she forgets herself, and loses who she is all because she is lost to a fantasy. It’s why she’s been avoiding Rebecca and staying away as much as possible, which is hard to do when your boss has your contact info. Rebecca has been texting and calling her every now and then. Her recent message of them needing to talk sounded more urgent than all the others. Freen knows she owes Rebecca an explanation. After all, she did commit to this, and can’t really back out of it, unless it’s possible that she can?

Irin took her lunch hour to go and meet with Tee. She really didn’t want to meet with the crazy redhead, but the woman would not stop blowing up her phone, and that shit just had to stop. She brought her bodyguard too and as soon as she saw Tee she told her the plan.

“Alright, do you see him!” Irin points to the tall guy dressed in black sitting nearby. “He is my bodyguard, and he will break your neck if you as much as stare at me wrong, understand.”

Tee says nothing. She smiles instead and acts as if she didn’t hear a single word that was just said to her.

“You’re so pretty.” Tee sighs.

“Um, did you hear what I just said to you?”

“Nope.” The taller woman smiles and shakes her head, as she wasn’t listening at all. “Are you hungry? Please order anything you want.”

Irin supposes that she might as well get a free meal out of this if nothing else. Honestly, the redhead is pretty, even if she is putting it on a little thick. They order food and drinks. Tee is really looking at her with lovesick eyes, and Irin is a bit creeped out.


“We’re going to get married!”

“What!” The blonde shouts back. “How can you possibly say something as ridiculous as that!”

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