Chapter 9

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Rebecca was vague, no forget vague Rebecca was not revealing anything about what to expect for lesson four. Freen wasn’t surprised, because when it came to Rebecca there really was no telling what could happen, and sometimes when she thought she had the woman figured out. Freen could only discover that she didn’t, truly the woman was like a mystery. Because since the incident in the helicopter, Rebecca has been almost ghost-like, to the point where she wasn’t making any contact, missing their usual phone chats, and not even finding an excuse to stop by to see Freen. The woman didn’t understand it for the life of her, what part of the game was this?

It couldn’t be because Rebecca wanted to end this, whatever it was between them. The woman was intent on making a daddy out of her yet, so Freen could only assume whatever her reasons were, it would be revealed soon. As far as Freen knew they were still scheduled to meet this Friday for lesson four.

“Lesson one was about role playing, two was about discipline, and three was confidence. What the hell is four going to be.”

Freen grabs her phone and looks at it, there’s no messages, no missed calls, no emails, no anything. It was the not knowing that bugged Freen the fuck out, she needed to have an idea of what was going on, what to expect, so that she herself could be prepared. This whole being a daddy thing was coming along, but she sure wasn’t at the level that Rebecca wanted her to be, and she was reminded of that after they were done in the helicopter.


Freen wanted to bask in the moment of having her cock sucked in a helicopter, because really how many people can say that they’ve had such a thing happen to them, probably not many. Not to mention that was a really nice orgasm, as nice as it is to come on her own, since being able to come regardless is a great, she finds that it’s ten times better when she’s actually with Rebecca. The raven is sitting up again, with her hand on her cock like she doesn’t want to let go, and if they had more time, Freen probably would allow her to keep playing with it, maybe stroke her all over again, that would be nice. There is no time for too much fun and games, not when they are both still at work, and should be heading back. Freen prepares to re-dress, checking to make sure she’s not a sticky mess anywhere that would be noticeable like her very nice and expensive pants, courtesy of this woman sitting right here.

“You’re good.” Rebecca tells her, her eagle-eye gaze never missing anything. “Let me talk to you for a moment, before we split up.”

“Um, sure, you’re not still secretly mad at me, are you?”


“Because, you know I didn’t do anything, I only went to eat, and she’s not really interested in me romantically or anything.”

“Freen?” She sighs, as the poor woman looks like she’s about to go on a huge rant, and that’s just about the last thing either of them needs right now.

“I was innocent! I only helped her with her computer, but not the kind of computer you’re thinking.”

And now, Rebecca is confused, and she shuts Freen up by pulling on her tie hard and bringing her to a kiss. Freen quiets down right away and kisses back, since she loves the way Rebecca’s soft lips feel against hers. Rebecca gives a few more soft kisses to her lips before ending it faster than either of them would have liked.

“I don’t know what you’re even talking about as far as computers. But I am not angry, I know you’re mine.”

“Good, very good. Now what did you want to say?”

“I just wanted to say that you’re showing progress, I was surprised in a pleasant way. You’re getting there, but you’re still not my daddy yet.”

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