Chapter 10

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Rebecca Armstrong is not a woman who would normally be nervous, no she’s not the type of person who gets nervous easily, and if she is nervous. She has adapted so well that no one could even tell she was, that comes from years of building her own confidence, not to mention being in the corporate world for as long as she has been, and needing to have that mental strength to deal with the many things that come along with the CEO title. With that being said, how come she couldn’t do this one thing.

“Freen, would you like to accompany me to the business conference.”

No, no, that sounds so professional and not warm or friendly. The two of them are more than just employer and employee at this point in time.

“Freen,” Rebecca tries again. Trying to rehearse how she would ask, there is time to ask, the conference isn’t yet, but it’s soon enough to the point that Rebecca must rvsp and confirm she is either attending alone or with a guest.

“Freen, there’s a business conference in Jeju, and I’m to attend, would you like to join me?” That sounded better, it sounded a lot better and she was so busy rehearsing that in her head, she nearly forgot that she had a date this evening. Freen had asked her out and already it was Sunday, the week just flew right on by, with all her work she had to handle, Rebecca is ashamed to say she forgot, and for a moment the raven considered canceling. She really could make up any excuse as to why she can’t make their date, but that would be rude, and Rebecca might be a lot of things, rude isn’t one of them. The raven sighs, and turns her attention to her closet, surely there’s something noteworthy in there, nothing too professional, or business-like. And so, the journey through her walk-in closet began, all sorts of fancy blouses, suits, slacks, professional shoes adorned her closet walls. Somehow, she managed to find some items that didn’t seem too over the top professional, and more on the casual side. A white casual top that she bought on a trip to Paris, and denim skinny jeans, they surely needed ironing though.

While Rebecca gets to work on ironing her clothes, the raven feels a bit discouraged about this date, and it didn’t really have anything to do with Freen. Rebecca hates to admit it, but she has been out of the dating world for way too long, and decided to ask Irin for help. She does value her cousin’s opinion and trusts her to an extent, though it hadn’t been the best conversation, not by a long shot.


It was Friday, and Rebecca took one look at her planner and realized she did indeed write ‘Date with Freen’ in purple ink on Sunday, mostly because she didn’t want to forget, and this way it was right in front of her face. Rebecca is the kind of person who once she writes things down, that’s it, she will accomplish them, no matter what it takes.

“I need to catch Irin before she leaves for the day.”

Truth be told, this date was making her nervous, as she would rather be giving a speech in front of several board members, their families, plus other CEO’s and would feel more comfortable doing that. Rebecca heads out to find Irin, who is at her desk, which is a huge surprise.

“You’re here?” Rebecca’s clear shock is evident.

“Of course I am here, I do my job, you know. Oh, what’s wrong?” As her cousin, Irin would be able to tell right away if there was anything off, and she could tell that Rebecca seemed anxious about something. “Oh, no is it work, are you fired? Wait, no you can’t be fired, well, maybe…”


“Oh, rival company is gunning for us, oh shit, are we all in trouble? Let me steal the rest of the fancy mugs first.”


“What, oh, sorry? What’s wrong, Bec?”

“Come into my office, we can talk privately there.”

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