
205 15 29

sunday, 10:00
3rd person pov

Kiyo parked outside Soobin's house and got out. She walked up to his door and knocked on it, anxiously waiting for him to open the door.

After a few seconds, Soobin opened the door. "Hey! Come in!" He smiled before gently taking her hand and pulling her inside. He shut the door and told her to follow him.

They walked to his couch and she sat down just next to him. Soobin turned to her and they made eye contact. Both of them took a second to take in eachothers looks.

She looks really pretty. Soobin thought to himself. "So, how are you? Did you go straight home last night?" He asked her, curious. "Yeah im good, I went home literally right after you left." She smiled. "Oh good. By the way, I have cookies that need making. Wanna help?" He asked, smiling at her.

"Yes!!" She squealed standing up and trying to find the kitchen. Soobins house was quite big. "this way." he laughed.

Shes so cute.. Soobin thought as he lead her to the kitchen. He got out all thr ingredients and bowls. "The instructions are there. Can you start mixing while i prep the oven and baking tray?" He asked. "Yep! Im on it." Kiyo replied before starting to mix the ingredients together.

A little while later, while she was mixing she felt Soobin come up behind her and use his left hand to help her while putting his right hand on her waist. This made Kiyo extremely nervous, but she liked it.

She felt her cheeks heating up and Soobin noticed it, he just giggled and held her waist tighter. "Okay, Its done. Come over here." He said, still not letting go of her waist, but walking to the oven. "Roll the dough into small balls and put them on the tray, and just flatten them with the palm of your hand a little." He said, demonstrating by taking her hand and putting it on a bit of dough, and putting his hand on hers to show her how to flatten it.

Kiyo didnt expect this and she literally wanted to explode. He was making her so nervous, in a good way of course.

Soon all the cookies were ready to go in the oven to cook. Soobin put the tray in the oven and set a timer for 20 minutes. "What should we do while they are cooking?" Kiyo asked, looking up at him. Soobin was very tall, he was around 6'1 while Kiyo was 5'5.

"Lets just hang out in the living room. Come." He said, taking her hand and walking to the sofa. They both sat down and soobin put his arm around her shoulder.

For a few minutes, they were just talking. Asking things like 'whats your favourite color' or 'are you a cat person or a dog person'. To kiyo it really felt like kind of a first date. But she didnt think Soobin liked her in that way.

"Kiyo.." Soobin started nervously. "Yes?" She asked, turning to look at him. "I have a question.." He continued. This made Kiyo nervous, but not in such a good way. "I.. Im scared to ask it.." He said. "Its okay. Just ask it." She said looking into his eyes. His eyes were so pretty to her. They were like stars.

"Well.. We have known eachother for a long time. Ever since we started school. Sometimes we would say hi. Im not sure you ever remembered my name until a few days ago, but we have been partnered in projects sometimes and i think you are a really sweet girl. I was wondering if.. you want to go to prom.. with me.. next weekend..?" He said, all in one breath.

Oh. Well then, Maybe he did like her in that way-

"We dont have to go romantically, as boy and girl. We can just go as friends if that makes you more comfortable." He quickly added on.

kiyo's pov

To be honest, i was kind of relived. I thought he would ask me to be his girlfriend or something. Yeah, i like him.. but its a bit fast for me. I sat there for a few minutes to think. And then, i had an idea.

"Sure. We can go. We can go as a boy and a girl. But, Spend the whole week with me and get to know me better before you take me to prom." I said looking at him. He immediately broke into an exited smile. "Okay! ill sit next to you at lunch and walk to school with you. There and back. We can hang out and do homework and stuff. Itll be a really fun week i promise." He smiled again. His smile was so pretty, it made me happy. His dimples always showed.

"Can i hug you?" He asked, already knowing the answer. I nodded at him before wrapping my arms around him and giving him a quick hug.

"The cookies are done" I said as i heard his timer going off.


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