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warning: pls dont die thank you

tuesday, 3:56pm
kiyo's pov

We walked into my room and i shut the door behind me. "Your mum said to keep the door open." Soobin said bluntly before sitting down. "It's fine she was just joking." I smiled before sitting next to him. "Oh okay. I love your mum, shes really chilled out, and really nice too." He laughed. "Me too. Shes a really good mum." I replied, just taking the opportunity to stare at his features.

"What are you looking at?" He asked, slightly smirking.

"You" I laughed still staring at him.

"Deja vu." He smiled, before continuing. "I'm cold.." He said crossing his arms. "Oh! i'll get you a hoodie. I can't guarantee it'll fit you but.." I said and he laughed as i stood up to go to my closet. I opened the doors and tried to find a reasonably big hoodie that would fit Soobin. As i was looking, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind me. "Its okay, just hug me. I don't need a hoodie." He said sleepily resting his head on my shoulder. "oh.. okay.." I replied turning around and hugging him back.

"Can we just stay like this for a while?" He asked softly. "Sure." I giggled a bit before hugging him tighter. Hugging Soobin was like hugging a massive bear. He was really tall and warm. He rested his chin on my head and we swayed left and right slightly.

Then it clicked- I was literally hugging Soobin.. and i had been for the past 2 minutes.


After a little while Soobin leaned back and looked at me. "Kiyo.." He started. "Can i um.. ask you something?" He asked very softly and quietly. "Sure.. what is it?" I asked looking up at him.

"Can- Can i kiss you?" He said even quieter. I laughed a little and looked at him. "You did yesterday." I replied.

"No, like.. properly.." He said again, He was so adorable when he was shy. "Mmmm okay." I laughed and his face broke into a big smile.

A few seconds later he leaned in and gently kissed me. My heart was racing extremely fast at this point and i'm pretty sure i was redder than a fucking tomato.

He pulled away and i hid my extremely red face in his tshirt. I could tell he was smiling from the way he was giggling to himself. He just wrapped his arms around me. "Kiyo, look at me" He said and it took me a good few seconds to muster up the courage to actually look at him.

"You can't kiss me if you can't look at me in the eyes after." He laughed as i looked up at him. I took a step back and he stepped forward, this repeated until my back hit my wall and i mentally screamed because what the fuck do i do now? I'm literally cornered.

Soobin put his hand on my cheek and looked at me in the eyes. He was extremely close to me and i felt like i was about to explode. I mean- i literally just kissed him like hello thats my first kiss and literally a boy that looks like he came straight from the heavens took it. Today was like the best day ever.

He stared at me for a few seconds before speaking. "Kiyo.. I really like you." He said very impatiently waiting for an answer. I took a deep breath and looked back at him. The tension was real-

"Soobin.. I like you too. So much." I said looking away and smiling. And again, he leaned in and kissed me, for longer this time. I felt my heart about to jump out of my skin, like seriously it was going to happen.

I kissed him back and just a few seconds later he pulled away and started laughing. "What?" I said also laughing. Soobins little giggles were so contaigous. "I wasn't planning on telling you so soon into the week. I guess i just got lost in the moment." He said scratching the nape of his neck.

"It's okay. I couldn't deny it for any longer.. I didn't want to believe i liked you because ive never liked someone before.. but it feels good that you know now." I smiled before going to hug him again. "So.. are we going out or.." I asked, looking at him confused.

"Not yet. Ill wait for the perfect moment." He smiled and hugged me back.

"I'll look forward to it." I laughed before kissing his cheek quickly.

The Waiter • Choi SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now