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wednesday, 9:12am
soobin's pov

Today was a strike day, so we didn't have school. I was kind of upset- considering i wasn't able to see Kiyo or sit next to her.

But i had work, so i had to get up and get over it. I got out of bed and put on my work clothes. I didn't really do much with my hair, because i don't need to. I put on my favourite perfume and then left for work.

It was a really sunny day actually. Perfect for working in an air conditioned shop. I took the route that went passed Kiyo's block, just hoping i would see her coming out of her apartment block or something. But then again why would she be out this early..

I arrived at my work and immediately began my shift. I started serving customers and making coffees, i worked pretty fast because i had worked there for like 3 years.

All of a sudden, the bell on the door rang, so i looked up to see who it was. And there was Yeonjun, walking in like a model and having all the girls (and boys) absolutely on their knees for him. "I don't understand. He isn't even all that.."

"Excuse me? Hello to you too?" He laughed. "Oh.. did i say that out loud..?" I said, scratching the back of my neck. "Yes. Quite loudly actually." Yeonjun rolled his eyes at me before making gun fingers at me. "I'll have my usuall mint chocolate frappe please." He flashed a grin at my face. "You know one thing i also don't understand? How you actually like mint choco.." I made a disgusted face as i put the order through the machine and he payed. "whatever" he rolled his eyes and walked away to sit down.

he sat in the same seat Kiyo did when i asked for her number..

I thought to myself as i tried to hide a smile. I began making his drink, considering i was about to be on break, i could go sit with him. So thats what i did. I made his drink and walked over to sit opposite him. "Oh by the way jun, theres a new girl coming into school tomorrow. She is coming from my cousins school. He told me earlier." I told him as i quickly took a sip of his drink before giving it back to him, quickly regretting it as i remembered he ordered mint choco. "karma." Yeonjun spat. "For what?! I didn"

"Anyway, new girl? Whats her name? What does she look like? How tall is she? Is she nice?" He cut me off and bombarded me with questions. "Jeez.. These are questions to ask her when you choose to ask her out 5 seconds after she knows you even exist.." I rolled his eyes as i sat back and he scoffed at me.

"It's always better to get to know the new people, before anyone else snatches them." He explained. But to me, he was just talking to a brick wall because i was not listening. "You don't even know her name Yeonjun. Her goddamn name! Please, chill." I laughed at him.

"Okay, sure, whatever." He said before getting out his phone and texting someone. "Who are you texting?" I asked trying to look at his phone. Suddenly he moved his phone away from my sight and giggled. "Kiyo. She is about to walk in. Have fun." He smiled before running out.

That bastard knows i get nervous just hearing her name. So he tells her to come here?! what the fuck??

I sighed to myself and went to turn around when the bell rang again.

I looked towards the door to see who it was.

And there stood Kiyo, walking right towards me with an innocent smile on her face. Completely unaware of how fucking shaky and nervous i was.

The Waiter • Choi SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now